Los 10 mejores discos del emblemático sello ECM


Sobre la trayectoria de ECM de Manfred Eicher.

Extraigo del artículo anterior esta información que seguro será de interés de más de uno.

Label of love: A history of ECM in 10 albums, from Keith Jarrett to June Tabor

Keith Jarrett: Facing You (1971) The US pianist’s first solo album is an astonishing outpouring of spontaneous melody. It was the beginning of a recording relationship that now extends to more than 80 recordings.

Keith Jarrett, Jan Garbarek, Palle Danielsson and Jon Christensen: Belonging (1974) The first meeting of Jarrett’s “European” quartet exemplifies Eicher’s instinct for collaborations. For many (including this writer), Belonging is one of the most joyously perfect recordings in the ECM catalogue.
Steve Reich: Music for 18 Musicians (1978) A seminal work of minimalism and a harbinger of Eicher’s move towards contemporary composed music with his New Series.
Dave Holland: Seeds of Time (1982) One of several ground- breaking recordings by the English bassist that helped to introduce odd metres to jazz and other musicians to the influential saxophonist  Steve Coleman.
Arvo Pärt: Tabula Rasa (1984) The first release of ECM’s now similarly influential classical imprint, New Series; Eicher heard the Estonian composer’s minimalist masterpiece by chance on his car radio and decided that he wanted to record it.
Kenny Wheeler: Music for Large and Small Ensembles (1990) The Canadian trumpeter and composer’s masterpiece, a sonorous congregation of transatlantic talent that has become the new testament for big-band arrangers.
Jan Garbarek & the Hilliard Ensemble: Officium (1994) The Norwegian saxophonist Jan Garbarek remains Eicher’s most promiscuous artist; this collaboration with an early-music vocal quartet was a huge if unlikely hit.
Nils Petter Molvaer: Khmer (1997) The first steps of what some call “future jazz”, with Molvaer’s trumpet soaring over beds of electronic noise and techno beats.
Tim Berne: Snakeoil (2012) Lion of the current New York scene, the saxophonist is just the latest in a line of American adventurers to find a haven at ECM.
June Tabor, Iain Ballamy and Huw Warren: Quercus (2013) The heartfelt folk singing of the renowned June Tabor extends into new territories with two of London’s finest jazz musicians.

Vintage Electronics - El Tefifon, seguro estoy que no lo conocían.

Una especie de tocadiscos en función pero con cinta. Desarrollado en Alemania en los 50s.

Me parece muy interesante.

A propósito del Meridian 808v6 SR CD ¿Qué es Master Quality Authenticated o MQA?

Meridian MQA

Siempre ha habido una relación inversa entre conveniencia y calidad. MQA pretende elevar la calidad y a la vez mantener la conveniencia.

Convenience trade-off

MQA is a revolutionary new technology borne from a simple desire: to bring the listener as close as possible to the artist’s original performance.

Using pioneering scientific research into how people hear, we’ve realised that dream. A technology that captures the full magic of an original studio performance, in a format that’s small enough to stream – to your computer, smartphone or any other device – or download.

The ear is hugely sensitive to timing detail. As sounds arrive at different times – microseconds apart – your brain uses this information to create a 3D soundscape. It’s what makes live music such a powerful and emotive experience.
Traditional technology can’t capture this subtle timing information. The 3D soundscape becomes flattened And our ears know it isn’t real.

With MQA, we go all the way back to the original master recording and capture the missing timing detail. We then use advanced digital processing to deliver it in a form that’s small enough to download or stream.
That’s better-than-high-resolution music, easily streamed to any device you own.
The result is astonishing. Every nuance and subtlety of the artist’s performance – every tiny drop of emotion – is authentically reproduced. When you listen, you’ll be transported right into the very moment of creation

Meridian no se olvida del CD, al contrario lo hace mejor con MQA

Meridian 808v6 Signature Reference CD Player.


Lo han dado por muerto desde hace años, permanece, en perspectiva, apenas SONY acaba de cesar la producción del formato Beta que ya tiene mucho de no verse abiertamente en el mercado y sin embargo muchos se emocionan anunciando el deceso del CD, no en el caso de bastantes aficionados ni en el mío y tampoco el de Meridian que no solo lo mantiene si no lo eleva a niveles de calidad superiores con el

Master Quality Authenticated (MQA): Using pioneering scientific research into how people hear, we’ve
realised that dream. A technology that captures the full magic of an
original studio performance, in a format that’s small enough to stream –
to your computer, smartphone or any other device – or download.
The ear is hugely sensitive to timing detail. As sounds
arrive at different times – microseconds apart – your brain uses this
information to create a 3D soundscape. It’s what makes live music such a
powerful and emotive experience.

Traditional technology can’t capture this subtle timing
information. The 3D soundscape becomes flattened And our ears know it
isn’t real.

 Nada se les ha olvidado.

 Meridian dice que este reproductor es el más refinado en su tipo que hayan fabricado y hay que considerar que Meridian es referencia en cuanto a reproductores de CD.