(Escéptico) Martin Colloms y el PS Power Plant Premier


Martin Colloms on the Premier
OK, so you cannot have been involved with high-end audio and not be familiar with the name Martin Colloms. Is it even possible? Martin Colloms is regularly referred to and referenced by the major American and world publications. Martin is the author of thousands of audio reviews, many books and AES papers and is perhaps the epitome of what one would think of when envisioning an audio engineer.

One of the tougher parts about Martin is that he is a bit of a skeptic (to say the least). If it isn't something he can measure or explain in engineering terms, then you better be able to prove your results in a controlled and qualified listening setup. He's one tough cookie. If he wasn't British, I'd suspect he was from Missouri (the show me state).

So it was with great surprise and delight when we received this little piece of information from our distributor in the UK:

'We hear on the grapevine that one of the most severe critics of mains improvers and conditioners in the industry, Martin Colloms, writing for the independent audio magazine HIFICRITIC, is getting favorable results with a loaner Power Plant Premier in a high end system. Publication of this project is scheduled for the Nov/Dec issue of this deeply researched UK magazine devoted to stereo audio: WWW.HIFICRITIC.COM'

Will wonders never cease! Color me proud as punch.

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