The Absolute Sound analiza unidades de SIM Audio.

Leer el análisis completo aquí: Simaudio Moon i3.3 Integrated Amplifier + Simaudio Moon CD3.3 CD Player

Aun sigo considerando esta marca algo sobre preciada, sin embargo la manufactura y diseño de los equipos exhibe un nivel muy bueno.

By way of another comparison I listened to the same material through the onboard DAC of the i3.3 via the CD3.3 transport and S/PDIF, as well via a USB input from my Mac. It’s close, but the CD3.3 with the higher-spec Burr-Brown DAC is the hands-down winner. On a track like Jen Chapin’s “Renewable” from ReVisions [Chesky] the sound via the i3.3 DAC is a little glassier and loses some of the organic warmth and dimensionality of the standalone CD3.3. The space and the air flowing over the reed of the baritone sax is not quite as silken, its texture a bit coarser. USB was a similar story—highly listenable but spatially there was just a bit less elbowroom.

When a company is on a roll as Simaudio has been, it might seem that nothing can slow it down. Like the line goes, nothing succeeds like success. But that’s not entirely true—complacency kills. And failure to read the market is equally deadly. So kudos to the smart cookies at Simaudio for listening at every level. For listening to the iTunes junkie, listening to the server-surfer, or just the pure-analog Old Guard like me. The Moon i3.3 and CD3.3 have what it takes to make audiophiles of us all.

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