Jolida JD502P amplificador de poder a bulbos por 1400 USD

Jolida tiene poco tiempo ofreciendo este modelo, mayormente estamos acostumbrados a percibir a Julida como un fabricante de amplificadores integrados a bulbos o híbridos, sin embargo Jolida ha venido ampliando su catálogo en fechas recientes, sin pasar por alto su bien recibida linea FX. A ese precio pocas alternativas me vienen a la mente si acaso la excelente pareja Minimite de Quicksilver pero ellos solo son de 25Watts cada uno.

Aquí la información del JD502P. Mayores informes

Construction Details and Features:

•Stereo Power Amplifier: Input 1.2 V driving 60 watts, maximum 85 watts output.
•Multiple Inputs: RCA and XLR inputs.
•Custom Wound Audio Transformers with a core of German grain oriented silicon steel. 15th generation proprietary design. Secondary can be configured for a 4 ohm or 8 ohm load.
•Top panel bias testing terminal with bias adjustment controls plus EZ-biasing.
•State of the Art Components: Hexfred Diodes, ceramic composite grid resistors, custom coupling caps.
•Low Feedback Design: Only 5 dB

Technical Specifications:
  • Maximum Power Output: 85 W per channel at 8 ohms, 1KHz
  • Rated Output Power: 60 W per channel at 8 ohms, 22Hz to 60KHz
  • Frequency Response: (at 1 watt into 8 ohms) 8Hz to 130KHz + 1dB
  • Bandwidth: 15Hz to 80KHz + 3dB; 0dB 60 W 1KHz
  • Distortion THD: Less than 1% at 20 V output, 28Hz to 15KHz
  • Circuit Type: Ultra Linear, Class AB
  • Input Impedance: 100Kohms
  • Input Sensitivity: 1.2 V at 1KHz for 60 watt output
  • Output Impedance: 4 ohms and 8 ohms
  • Negative Feedback: Less than 5 dB
  • Noise and Hum: 85dB below rated output
  • Tube Complement: 2 matched pairs (4) of 6550/KT88 power output; 2 pcs. 12AX7A/ECC83 pre-amplifier; 2 pcs. 12AT7/ECC81 power drivers
  • Power Requirements: 110V-120 VAC 60Hz 180 watts-standby, 450 watts maximum (220 VAC 50Hz option)
  • Dimensions: 17 inches (43cm) wide by 15 inches (38cm) deep by 7.5 inches (19 cm) high
  • Weight: 50 pounds (18 Kg) net, approximately 55 pounds (21 Kg) packaged
  • Warranty: Two year limited parts and labor. One year or 3000 hours whichever comes first on Jolida Tubes.
  • Bias Settings: 500 millivolts + 50 mV
  • Fuse: 110 - 120 VAC, 6.3 Amp Fast Blo; 200 - 240 VAC, 3 Amp Fast Blo Size 5mm X 20mm

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