Vinyl, CD, MP3, Cassette,… ¿Cual suena mejor? ¡Preguntale al productor! | Rocker: The Lifestyle Magazine for Mature Hipsters

Vinyl, CD, MP3, Cassette,… which sounds best? Ask The Producer! | Rocker: The Lifestyle Magazine for Mature Hipstersnas
Y mientras tantos muchos se rebanan las audiófilas venas en busca del sonido apegado al sonido que se cree original del instrumento y espacio grabado:
"For those who don’t know, mastering is the last stop a recording makes before heading to the printing plant, or the web, for public consumption.  The original job of the mastering engineer was to transfer the audio from the recording format (analog reels of tape in the old days), to a consumer format (vinyl, cassette, CD).  “It’s also your last chance to tweak the sound of your product in the overall aspect,” says Grammy award winning mastering engineer Robert Hadley, “Adjust high end, or low end.  As you would on your stereo except in much more detail.  Once we’ve got it to the consumer format,” says Robert, “we give the client a reference print to take home and listen.  Then they can say, ‘Cut 4 sounds a little dull in comparison to Cut 3,” and we’ll go back in and make an adjustment.”  In addition, mastering is the stage at which the sequence of songs is finalized, fade ins and outs are tweaked, as is the time between each song.  The mastering engineer will also make sure all of the songs on an album play back at a similar volume to one another, so you don’t have to adjust your player’s volume between each song.  But most important to our discussion, mastering engineers make sonic decisions to maximize the sonic potential of each format."
Por eso siempre pregunto ¿A qué pureza se refieren? La del isntrumento, la del instrumento+acústica+micrófono o  instrumento+acústica+micrófono+grabación y mezcla o  instrumento+acústica+micrófono+grabación y mezcla +masterización?

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