TDK tornamesa accionada por banda

Belt Drive Turntable

Me parece un muy justo punto medio entre desempeño y precio, no dudaría en probar estas tornamesas, que de vista luce impecable, más considerando su relativo bajo precio. A tener en cuenta sin duda.

Cabe mencionar que esta línea de productos marca TDK son en realidad un producto de Imation (la vieja división de cintas y medios de 3M) que usa bajo licencia la marca... y que también adquirió de TDK hace años su división de cintas y medios.

Belt Drive Turntable



Model #:77000015386

The authentic, high fidelity music listening experience

The TDK Life on Record Belt DriveTurntable is the classic ideal and the new modern standard - a perfect balance of performance and style.

TDK Life on Record brings the warmth of analog into the modern age with this belt driven turntable. Knowing that immediacy and portability cannot replace a vinyl collector’s need for authenticity and interaction, this advanced belt driven turntable delivers the perfect balance of digital precision and analog ideals. With analog warmth and mechanical accuracy, it delivers the tangible and tactile experience record collectors desire.


The exposed belt drive isolates the platter from motor noise, and is continuously monitored by an optical speed sensor and is adjusted to a perfect 33 1/3 or 45 rpm. The uniquely illuminated tone arm and graphic equalizer provide the warmth and visual heartbeat to the modern, yet classic design. The TDK Life on Record USB Belt Drive Turntable is the essential next step in the vinyl revival.

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