La historia de Nippon Columbia Co. Ltd.

Para mayor referencia esta compañía es quien formó a Denon que hoy es parte de otra entidad corporativa.


  • 1910 - 1926 (Meiji-Taisho era)
  • 1926 - 1989 (Showa era)
  • 1989 - (Heisei era)
1910 - 1926
  • Established as Nippon Phonograph Co., the predecessor of Columbia Music Entertainment, Inc. (Then president : Fredrick W. Horn)
  • Released single-sided records on labels such as Symphony, Royal, American, Universal and Globe.
  • Introduced 4 models of Nipponophone, the first Japanese-made gramophone to the market.
Photo : Single-sided records and Nipponophone
Single-sided records
  • Sumako Matsui's "Song of Katyusha" became a country-wide hit.
  • Double-sided records start to become the norm.
1926 - 1989
  • Released first domestically pressed Columbia black vinyl records featuring western music.
  • Marketed the Eagle gramophone.
Photo : Poster when released black vinyl records
Poster of when domestically pressed Columbia black vinyl records featuring western music first released.
  • Adopted the Columbia brand name from US Columbia and standardized record logo to the current musical note.
  • Raised the neon sign of the Columbia logo, which is the largest neon sign in Asia, on the roof of the Kawasaki factory.
  • Announced a domestically produced TV set and demonstrated it in Takashimaya department store.
  • Released "Marching song for beloved horse" and "Starting from a cup of coffee" by Noboru Kirishima and Misao Matsubara.
Photo : Domestically produced TV set
Domestically produced TV set
  • Changed the company name to Nippon Columbia Co., Ltd.
  • "The Apple Song" by Michiko Namiki became a big hit.
  • Held the 1st “Columbia Zenkoku Kayo Konkuru” (Columbia National Song Contest) in celebration of the company’s 40th anniversary.
  • Released the first long playing (LP) record in Japan.
  • Started the music entertainment program “Columbia Awa” (Columbia Hour) at the same time as the launch of private TV broadcasting.
Photo : The first LP in Japan
The first long playing (LP) record in Japan
  • Held the “Columbia Dai Geino-sai” (Columbia Big Entertainment Festival) at the Kabukiza in celebration of the company’s 50th anniversary
  • Launched Elepian, an electric piano.
  • Acquired Nihon Electric Sound Co.
  • Developed the DL-103 cartridge in conjunction with NHK.
Photo : DL-103 cartridge
DL-103 cartridge
  • Completed construction of new Head Office Building in Akasaka. (Opening of the Akasaka Studio.)
  • Established a business alliance with Hitachi, Ltd.
  • Began sales of DENON products, including DP players and PMA amps.
  • Released world's first CDs and CD players.
  • Commenced full-scale video cassette sales.
Photo : CDs
  • The CD player "DCD-1500" gained an excellent reputation both in Japan and overseas, including receiving the highest evaluation in the USA and Germany.
  • Recorded a cumulated total production of 100 million music cassettes.
  • Awarded the Japan Audio Society Prize for our promotion of digital recording.
1989 -
  • Hibari Misora, a renowned artist under exclusive contract passed away. Demand for her work, including "The Complete Works of Hibari Misoraquot", grew significantly.
Photo : Hibari Misora's items
  • Completed the central research center in the Kawasaki pressing factory compound.
  • Celebrated the company's 80th anniversary.
  • Established a multimedia studio in Yoyogi, Tokyo.
  • Transferred the AV/media device section to a separate company, DENON, Ltd.
  • Changed the company name to Columbia Music Entertainment, Inc.
  • Spun off the main production operation of the Kawasaki pressing factory into a separate company, Columbia Digital Media, Inc.
  • Closed Columbia Akasaka Studio.
  • Moved the Head Office from Akasaka to Roppongi.
  • Established Columbia Artist Management company.
  • Acquired all shares of TDK Core, Ltd.
  • Changed company name of TDK Core, Ltd. to Creative Core, Ltd.
  • Moved Head Office from Roppongi to Toranomon.
  • Consolidated Creative Core’s music, audio-visual, and game divisions into Nippon Columbia.
  • Became a part of the Faith Group.
  • Celebrated the company’s 100th anniversary
  • Changed the company name back from Columbia Music Entertainment Co., Ltd to Nippon Columbia Co., Ltd
  • Held a convention in commemoration of the company’s 100th anniversary.
  • Established Future Records KK as a joint venture company with Faith Inc.
  • Established Columbia Marketing Co., Ltd.
  • Acquired 100% shareholdings in Omagatoki Co., Ltd. and Sirius Co., Ltd.

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