Onkyo (DES-Integra) y Pioneer por añadido ya son chinas. Otras más

Image result for TCL onkyo
Onkyo, su historia, su fundación, luego a manos de Toshiba, su adquisición de Pioneer, su compra por parte de Gibson y ahora pasa a ser otra compañía más, otra más penosamente en manos chinas. 
¡Que lamentable!
TCL el fabricante chino de TVs baratas compró a Onkyo de la atribulada Gibson brands.

Y TCL ahora va por parte de Philips y ya es dueña de las marcas Alcatel y Blackberry de teléfonos.
Chinese technology Company TCL is set to take over the Pioneer and Onkyo brands currently under the management of US Company Gibson brands, they are also in talks with Philips over their audio range according to sources.
The move is set to be a major blow for Gibson Brands who are facing a grim future with debt as high as A$707 million due within months.
 Como casi toda cosa china, auqneu muchos se molesten algunas además de baja calidad tienen un nulo penetramiento de marca, tuvo que pagar por derechos de marca Toshiba ya que la marca propia de TCL HiSense resultó muy mala y los consumidores la rechazaron en EUA. TCL afima que invertirá en Onkyo y Pioneer. Habrá que ver.

Hace 15 años...

Industry News 15 Years Ago
Universal Music Makes Commitment In Producing DVD-Audio
Universal Music Group (UMG) has announced their commitment to make music available on DVD-Audio. Beginning with twenty United States releases slated for the second half of 2003, UMG plans an ongoing program to make a combination of best-selling artists and core catalog titles available on DVD-Audio in major markets worldwide. "Universal has always played a leading role in the development and implementation of new technologies and formats," states Larry Kenswil, president, eLabs, Universal Music Group. "Over the past five years DVD has established itself as one of the fastest growing formats. The huge penetration of DVD makes DVD-Audio a natural progression for music lovers who are already owners of DVD players, taking them from the familiar world of stereo to the 21st Century world of multi-channel surround sound."
