HI-FI IN MEXICO 1955 revista AUDIO

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Audio analógico: Histórico de patentes e inventores

No. | Year | Inventor | Company | An excerpt of the Claim made.............. | |
200521 | 1878 | Edison | NA | "Phonograph or Speaking machine (as it stands on drawing, but patent front page titled ""Improvement in Phonograph or Speaking Machines""). His other patents on phonograph: 201760(Speaking Machine), 227679(Phonograph), 386974(Mechanical improvement with motor), 400650 (Collapsible Blank), 414761(Wax Blank), 430278(cutting edge and reproducing stylus), 430277, 437425, 437497, 453741, 454941, 484583(Cutting-Tool), 499879, 500208(Magnetic damping of cantilever), 513095, 605667, 652457, 655480 etc." | |
341214 | 1886 | Bell | NA | Recording and Reproducing Speech and other Sounds. Disk with spiral groove type ""phonogram"", but commercial embodied model was wax cylinder type ""Graphophone"" see 341288 invented by Tainter. Also 341212,341287(magnetic disk recording), 374133(paper cylinder), 375579, 380535, 385886, 385887(Graphophonic Tablet), 421450, 428646, 506348. " | |
534543 | 1895 | Berliner | US Gramophone Company | Gramophone (Disk). His older patent 372786(1887) for Gramophone (horizontal recording) was cylinder type. Disk type Gramophone was invented by W. Suess: US Patent No.427279(1890) and assigned to Emile Berliner though Berliner in 382790(1888) already proposed solid resisting material (wax) coated on plate or cylinder. Also 548623, 564586, 637196, 637197, 689349 etc" | |
655557 | 1900 | Johnson | NA | "Sound Recording and Reproducing Machine. Also 624625, 655556, 951127 about sound-box. Johnson was founder of Consolidated Talking Machine Company in 1900 which became Victor Talking Machine Company in 1901. Victor Talking Machine Company was created by merger and reorganization of two existing companies: Emile Berliner's Berliner Gramophone Company, which produced disc records, and Johnson's Consolidated Talking Machine Company, which produced machines for playing disc records." | |
683615 | 1901 | Aylsworth | National Phonograph Company in New Jersey | Method of duplicating phonographic records | |
0012096 | 1902 | Macdonald | American Graphophone Company in District of Columbia | Sound-Record [making of cylinders from matrix mold]. His patent 682992(1901) is reissued as RE012096. Also 1022100 about re-pressing (recyling) disk sound records | |
736773 | 1903 | Petit | The International Phonograph & Indestructable Record Company in UK. | "Method of forming metal matrices and duplicating Sound-Record Cylinders [by Electrodepositing metal on master record]. Also 657956, 666,937 & 750119 about celluloid cylinder. Ademor Napoleon Petit worked also for Edison." | |
736948 | 1903 | Emerson | American Graphophone Company | "Stylus or Needle for Sound-reproducers. Long life needle made of hard small diameter rod core surrounded by or embedded in soft material. In 1915 Emerson started Emerson Phonograph Company for producing his label ""Emerson Record"". " | |
739318 | 1903 | Johnson | Victor Talking Machine Company in New Jersey | Sound-Record [Label pressed to record together with pressing the disc in heated condition]. | |
749092 | 1904 | Petit | NA | Double-Faced Sound-Record. In 1904 Odeon produced double-sided records. Some early Odeon labels refer to this patent. | |
763903 | 1904 | Jones | American Graphophone Company | "Sound-Recording Apparatus. Cutting tool for lateral-cut groove of uniform depth consists of spoon-formed cutting stylus, advance pin (to regulate the depth of groove to be cut) and air-blast nozzle (contrary to modern suction nozzle). Basic recording method is almost established in this mechanical (sound-box) recording era." | |
782375 | 1905 | Aylsworth | New Jersey Patent Company | "Composition of making duplicate phonograph-records (cylinders). Mixture of metalic soap as stabilizer, carnauba as wax, lampblack as pigment etc." | |
783420 | 1905 | Emerson | American Graphophone Company | "Production of Quasi-Original Sound Records (duplication of matrix for lateral-cut disks). Also 785316 about unique duplicating method: recording on inner wall of cylinder and ""nurling""=knurling blank cylinder by rolling reversal matrix." | |
879363 | 1908 | Cheney | Victor Talking Machine Company in New Jersey | "Die-Plate for Stamping up Sound Records. Cheny invented 655195(1900): Gramophone Sound-Box for The National Gramophone Compnay in New York. In another patent 915936(1909), Cheney proposed unique groove and forked stylus to trace two V grooves at once (sound is recorded at land). " | |
936976 | 1909 | Berliner | NA | Multi-track (for example triple-track spiral) sound grooves with lead-in markings | |
996625 | 1911 | Edison | New Jersey Patent Company | Phonograph-Reproducer (Ball Bearing Needle) | |
1041983 | 1912 | Edison | "Thomas A. Edison, Incorporated" | Phonograph-Stylus of crystallized boron. | |
1062579 | 1913 | Aylsworth | "Edison, Incorporated" | Talking Machine (Vacuum suction turntable for thin flat flexible disc record) | |
1080924 | 1913 | Owen | Victor Talking Machine Company in New Jersey | Stylus for sound-reproducing machine. Elliptical tungusten stylus | |
1110428 | 1914 | Edison | New Jersey Patent Company | Process of forming phonograph styli (Diamond Stylus Tip). Hard record material such as Phenoric resin was experimented by Aylsworth so that there was a need for making hard stylus tip. | |
1146388 | 1915 | Aylsworth | New Jersey Patent Company | Process for making sound records (record made of fusible Phenol resin etc) | |
1212692 | 1917 | Ruckgaber | NA | Speed-Regulator for Phonographs (Electric Motor regulating with eddy current disks) | |
1234450 | 1917 | Edison | New Jersey Patent Company | Celluloid Record-Blank. Also 1248468. Mainly cylinder type though in patent 1234451 Edison indicated disk type mold. | |
1246651 | 1917 | Petit | NA | Record for Talking Machine. Lateral cut record with new groove configulations (the walls of groove merging smoothly into the surface of the record). Also 1246652 about cutting tool for sound-recording machines. | |
1251565 | 1918 | Pathe | NA | Talking Machine. Improving means for supporting sound box. | |
1251851 | 1918 | Wickes | Victor Talking Machine Company in New Jersey | Molding-Press. Also 941291: Apparatus for making sound-records for talking machines (Molding Die) | |
1286259 | 1918 | Edison | New Jersey Patent Company | Means for recording sound. Multi-sound sources received through horns are electrically mixed & recorded on Single Record Blank. | |
1290712 | 1919 | Capps | Pathe Freres Phonograph Company in New York | Electric-Motor Phonograph | |
1291398 | 1919 | Capps | American Graphophone Company | Talking Machine. Universal joint between tone-arm and tone-tube. Also co-inventor of 1293489 | |
1353522 | 1920 | Emerson | NA | Laminated (multi-layered) discs. | |
1358135 | 1920 | Capps | Pathe Freres Phonograph Company in New York | "Phonograph-Reproducer. Sound Box usable for both vertical & lateral records: projecting arm linked to stylus arm. Also 1324643:Adjustable Sound Box. Capps invented 570378-1896 (Spring Motor) for The National Phonograph Company, 727921-1903(Automatic Sound Recorder) & 783420 for American Graphophone Company, 1836153-1931(Stylus Holder) for Columbia Phonograph Company, 2187512-1940 (cutting stylus) etc. Almost 50 years engaged in recording industry from the beginning." | |
1368745 | 1921 | Hewitt | Victor Talking Machine Company in New Jersey | "Method of making record tablets. Various groove configurations seeking for standardization of lateral recording [the method of reforming any metal master record after recording is indicated: lapping, brushing, polishing, burnishing the surface of master or reforming the sharp corner of groove by spinning stylus in order to reduce pinch effect]." | |
1372992 | 1921 | Beadle | Columbia Graphophone Manufacturing Company | Apparatus for pressing up Sound-Records and the like. | |
1396412 | 1921 | Eldred | The Commercial Research Company | Process of making styli and products thereof (Tungusten stylus). | |
1481743 | 1924 | Roberts | Columbia Graphophone Manufacturing Company | Method and Apparatus for pressing disc sound records without the aid of heating and cooling mediums. Related patent 1307812(1919) by Errickson: Columbia disclaims patent of Errickson partially. | |
1516595 | 1924 | Frely | "Societe des Establissements GAUMONT in Paris, France" | Electrical Reproducer for Phonograph. Previous patent 1384295(1921) | |
1535538 | 1925 | Maxfield | "Western Electric Company, Incorporated." | Vibratory System (Electric Recording System; application not limited to phonograph) | |
1576642 | 1926 | Bishop | The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Company in Delaware | Molding Die | |
1606744 | 1926 | Bodine | Dictaphone Corporation | Acoustical Device (cylinder record cutting & reproducing). Dictaphone started as producer of dictation machine esp. for recording telephone and later produced various machines in timely formats (wax cylinder/plastic belt/magnetic tape etc). | |
1637082 | 1927 | Maxfield | "Western Electric Company, Incorporated." | "Sound Recording Method (extended play time, no mention of specific 33.33rpm. He indicated 36-40rpm for synchronising motion picture)" | |
1649847 | 1927 | Nightingall | NA | Means for recording sounds. Heated cutting stylus for cutting harder material than soft wax blank so that such recording without electro-plating and pressing can be repeatedly reproducible. | |
1661539 | 1928 | Maxfield | Western Electric | "Phonograph System (Recording chain including transmitter=microphone capable of picking up 80-8,000Hz, amplifier, loud speaker=monitor and recording head with advance ball for lateral grooves)" | |
1663884 | 1928 | Harrison | Western Electric | "Device for the transmission of vibratory energy (Basic technology for electric recording and reproducing) Also 1645139, 1628666 and 1709571 etc." | |
1669170 | 1928 | Nicolson | "Wired Radio, Inc." | Damped Phonograph Appratus (Piezo-electric element and vibration-damping material) | |
1677806 | 1928 | Weinberger | Radio Corporation of America (RCA) in Delaware | Electric Phonograph Circuit (Phonographs in connection with radio receiving circuits) Also 1957512 Reproducer with superaudible frequency: Weinberger proposed grooves with high frequency carrier of AM for broadcasting phonograph playback sound directly. | |
1711551 | 1929 | Sykes | NA | Reproducing and Recording of Sound [Electric Phonograph] Also 1743251 Means for recording sound, 2113907 pickup, 2621260 Electric Phonograph(Cylinder) etc" | |
1713039 | 1929 | Espenschied | American Telephone and Telegraph Company | "Phonograph Recording and Reproducting (Application filed Nov. 15, 1919). The methods of reducing noises (by pre-emphasis on recording) or distortions (by compensation with opposite distortion on recording or reduroducing) are indicated. Also 1661793 & 1685913 " | |
1713195 | 1929 | Round | "Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company, England" | Gramophone-Record-Cutting Device and the like. 1974895 (Reproducer) was assigned to RCA in USA | |
1719339 | 1929 | Mittel | Victor Talking Machine Company in New Jersey | "Talking Machine-Record. Apparatus for transfering sound from cylinder record to disc record. ""It is known that a record upon wax cylinder gives in some respects more faithful reproduction of the recorded sounds than a record cut upon a disc, and the proposal has been made..to transfer...from the cylinder to a disc...From the wax disc a matrix is made in the usual or any suitable way and from the matrix a number of records can be pressed.""" | |
1733608 | 1929 | Knox | Bell Telephone Laboratories | Phonograph Needle (small and light weight stylus tip made by electroplating method: thin coating of nickel stripped from conical mandrel) | |
1756966 | 1930 | Alden | The Alden Manufacturing Compnay | Electromagnetic Pick-up | |
1767610 | 1930 | O'Learly | NA | MC Cartridge | |
1782781 | 1930 | High | Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company | Reproducing Device (Simple Mechanism: diaphagm in sound box is changed to electric transducer) | |
1783044 | 1930 | Kellogg | General Electric Company (GE) | "Reproducer. Also 1614133 In 1925 E.dward W. Kellog and Chester Rice developed coil-driven (dynamic) paper-cone speaker. Later when GE transferred their radio and allied work to RCA, Dr. Kellog also went to RCA." | |
1792554 | 1931 | Thomas | NA | Electromagnetic Instrument (esp. pick-up for vertical-cut of the finely grooved type) Also 1804961, 1958386(pick-up for lateral-cut & vertical-cut record), 1980888 & 1992727 etc. 1992727 was assigned to ATT. His early patents: 1595978(1926) & 1745776(1930) about pickup switchable between mechanical diaphragm (Sound Box) & electrical pickup, 1598895 & 1630642 about electric reproducer, 1625918 about Electric Pronograph, 1656712 phonograph connected to telephone receiver. 2031865-1936 (System and apparatus for recording and reproducing sound) was assigned to RCA." | |
1792859 | 1931 | MITCHELL | Columbia Phonograph Company | Sound Recording Apparatus. Also 1944258 about Sound Reproducing Instrument | |
1799799 | 1931 | Jones | Bell Telephone Laboratories | "Sound Reproducer (for playing soft wax records). Jones invented 1746730, 1812634, 1918972 etc about Reproducer for hill-and-dale records. 1531252(1925) Electric Reproducer assigned to Wired Radio Inc." | |
1816447 | 1931 | Sumner | The Calco Chemical Company | Shellac Composition (Shellac31.5% Induline base 1.5% Filler67%) | |
1816906 | 1931 | Jones | Bell Telephone Laboratories | "Electromagnetic Device. ""a four-pole magnetic structure and coil are sealed in an oil filled casing by a flexible diaphragm. T-shaped armature supported by the diaphragm vibrate with it as the stylus flexes the diaphragm about its diameter"". " | |
1817094 | 1931 | Moore | "Thomas A. Edison, Incorporated" | Production of Phonograph Styli (lapping machine for making diamond stylus of small radius). There is description about vertical-cut fine groove (for example 450 threads per radial inch). The minute record groove was first experimented around 1930 for vertical-cut records. | |
1817787 | 1931 | Thomas | Radio Corporation of America (RCA) in Delaware | Magnet System for converting electrical into mechanical energy or inversely [Laminated pole pieces]. Another patent 2108275(1938) by Roelof Vermeulen and Arend Thomas was assigned to Philips in Netherlands | |
1823533 | 1931 | Diehl | Diehl Manufacturing Company in New Jersey | Phonograph Turntable (center-driven by induction motor with worm gear and governor: platter spindle separated from driving spindle so as to be isolated from mechanical and electric noises) | |
1835073 | 1931 | McClatchie | NA | "Magnetic Pickup. Also 1830800, 1830801 & 1835072 etc. | |
1858016 | 1932 | La Rue | RCA | Plural-Member stylus or the like. Stock material (tungsten rod) is inserted and fused together into shank | |
1866403 | 1932 | Elmer | Bell Telephone Laboratories | Phonograph Recorder and Reproducer Arm (consideration on lateral/vertical inertia and anti-skating device with spring) | |
1915357 | 1933 | Fernberg | Victor Talking Machine Company in New Jersey | Means and Method for pressing talking machine record [mold]. | |
1916703 | 1933 | Payne | Victor Talking Machine Company in New Jersey | "Electromagnetic Acoustic Device. In 1929 as a result of the 1929 stock market crash, Victor Talking Machine Company merged with Radio Corporation of America to become RCA Victor." | |
1918972 | 1933 | King | Bell Telephone Laboratories | Phonograph Reproducer (MC type) | |
1927158 | 1933 | Edison | "Thomas A. Edison, Incorporated" | "Electrical Sound Reproducing Apparatus. Pick-up applicable without any adjustment for either ""lateral"" or ""hill-and-dale""records" | |
1928169 | 1933 | Clark | Columbia Graphophone Company in UK | Electric Sound Recorder. In 1931 Gramophone Company and Columbia Graphophone Company merged and formed Electric and Musical Industries (EMI). | |
1932889 | 1933 | Groff | Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corp. | Record (composition: copolymer of vinyl chloride and vinyl acetate etc). In 1920 Union Carbide established Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Corporation. Also refer to 2335986(1943 Vinyl Resin Phonograph Record). 1956837(1934) by Schmidt indicated application of Polyvinyl Alcohol-Aldehyde Condensation on record. 1997489(1935) by Hermann etc in Germany indicated various examples of polymerized vinyl alcohols. | |
1933400 | 1933 | Victor | NA | Pick-up Device (Auto-offsetting tracking arm) | |
1947164 | 1934 | Morrison | Bell Telephone Laboratories | Reproducer for hill-and-dale records. Also 1784845 about needle. | |
1960007 | 1934 | Harrison | Bell Telephone Laboratories | Phongraph reproducers for Vertical Recordings (esp. wax so that light vertical pressure less than 5g is intended). Also 2033284 (attachment to convert hill-and-dale reproducer to lateral reproducer) | |
1963673 | 1934 | Patino | NA | Reproducing Arm (Auto-offsetting device by pulley) | |
1981793 | 1934 | Keller | Bell Telephone Laboratories | Sound Reproducer for hill-and-dale records. Light tracking force 10g. Analysis of effective mass and stiffness etc. | |
1985005 | 1935 | Wiebusch | Bell Telephone Laboratories | Vibration Translating Device (Recording device using moving coil and damping plate and viscous damping medium between the diaphragms). | |
2018471 | 1935 | Russel | Bell Telephone Laboratories | Electroplating upon metallized surface | |
2018496 | 1935 | Keller | Bell Telephone Laboratories | Recorder Stylus (suitable for use of hill and dale type) Also 1918271: Sound Recording and Reproducing System | |
2024271 | 1935 | Blumlein | Columbia Graphophone Company in UK | Moving Coil Electromechanical Device (sound recording and reproducing). | |
2025388 | 1935 | Henning | Bell Telephone Laboratories | Sound Reproducing System: L/V two channels from single groove | |
2027168 | 1936 | Harrison | Bell Telephone Laboratories | "Vibration Translating Device (reproducer with double moving coils). Also 2027169 & 2133815 for hill and dale or lateral type of recordings, 2031948 Damping Device, 2105916 Sound Reproducing System." | |
2032194 | 1936 | Wiebusch | Bell Telephone Laboratories | Vibration Translating Device (MC type reproducer for hill-and-dale records). Analysis on mechanical and electrical circuits to compensate frequency responses. | |
2034872 | 1936 | Keller | Bell Telephone Laboratories | Phongraph reproducer (MC) for Lateral and Vertical Recordings | |
2037165 | 1936 | Pollard | Bell Telephone Laboratories | "Vibration Translating Device (single moving coil) for hill-and-dale-recording. Also 1990548, 2038216 about the support of recording head by stream of air instead of ""advance ball"" since ""the mechanical disturbances caused by the advance ball as it slides over the wax is now audible in finished records and often predominant in original recordings""." | |
2055187 | 1936 | Vieth | Bell Telephone Laboratories | Phongraph reproducer (MC) for Lateral and Vertical Recordings | |
2093540 | 1937 | Blumlein | EMI=Electric and Musical Industries in UK | Sound Transmission including Stereophonic/Electric Recording & Reproducing System. | |
2114471 | 1938 | Keller | Bell Telephone Laboratories | Sound Recording & Reproducing System (45/45 degrees stereophonic groove and equipment) | |
2133596 | 1938 | Thompson | NA | Feed Mechanism for disk recording machines. Later patents 2200866, RE22183, 2213936, 2222342, 2239042, 2250242, 2354558, 2357033, 2369087, 2369088(Equalising), 2441651(Recording Head), 2464064 etc were assigned to the Sound Scriber Corporation. Early patent 1637165(1927) was assigned to The Bristol Company." | |
2139916 | 1938 | Seeley | NA | Sound Recording and Reproducing System [Idea of equlization with pre-emphasis on recording and de-emphasis on reproduction to obtain flat response] | |
2141584 | 1938 | Wittander | NA | Sound Reproducing & Recording Apparatus | |
2148796 | 1939 | Barbieri | Amperite Company | Phonograph Pickup (Improvement of response at low frequencies) | |
2161489 | 1939 | Yenzer | Bell Telephone Laboratories | Vibratory System (Recording System: driving coil and feedback coil incorporated into vertical recording head). Relative patent 2162986(cutter amplifier) by Wiebusch | |
2173051 | 1939 | Woolf | Film Recording Corporation in New York | "Recording Head and Process of Recording. Recording on film with stylus. Also 2173050. Related patent 2188687 by Lohn, 2154589 by Vermeulen etc." | |
2174156 | 1939 | Guedon | RCA | "Arm balanced by spring tension. Also 2254844 about turntable mechanism with variable speed, 2192998 about pickup " | |
2174720 | 1939 | Edwards | Aluminum Company of America | Aluminum Record Blank coated with Ricinoleic Acid [for embossing] | |
2187512 | 1940 | Capps | Recording Stylus. | ||
2238863 | 1941 | Norton | Dictaphone Corporation | "Translating Device (for recording & reproducing on record cylinder). Also 2110092 Commercial Phonograph, 2057621 Dictating Machine." | |
2240918 | 1941 | Vermeulen | RCA | Device to convert electrical into mechanical energy or inversely (Moving-conductor type pickup to be connected to transformer. cf RCA Inductor Microphones) | |
2242983 | 1941 | Thompson | Philco Radio and Television Corporation | "Photoelectric Phonograph. Also 2316113, 2359808 & 2399585 by Thompson and 2348660 by Stephan. Similar method was already shown in 1578645(1926) assigned to Western Electric, 1768273(1930) assigned to Bell Telephone Laboratories, 1793403(1931), 2063225, 2088960, 2191026 etc." | |
2247640 | 1941 | Nielsen | Cinaudagraph Corporation | Reproducer (MC type) | |
2247651 | 1941 | Carson | RCA | Phonograph (Floating System by Coil Springs) | |
2247924 | 1941 | Saliba | Presto Recording Corporation | Automatic Equalising System for Recording on Disk Records. | |
2251204 | 1941 | Reid | The Crosley Corporation in Ohio | Bi-radial stylus tip. Also John Reid invented universal reproducing stylus (2584922-1952) for Avco which bought Crosley in 1945. | |
2269267 | 1942 | Hunter | RCA | Phonograph Records (made of Vinyl resin). Also 2206636(1940), 2217170(1940) etc | |
2284744 | 1942 | Kellogg | RCA | Sound Recording. Improvement of vertical cut records: forerunner of tracing simulator. Also 2122207(1938) & 2219930(1940) | |
2286494 | 1942 | Lynn | RCA | Sound Translating System. Also 2379707: Audio-Frequency Compensator Circuit in consideration of high frequency loss due to groove radius: High frequency boosted in inner groove radius and reduced in outer groove radius to obtain flat response. [Inner start & 33.3rpm transcription disk] | |
2290057 | 1942 | Lindenberg | Fairchild | Sound Recording and Reproducing Mechanism. Moving Coil System. Also 2792456 | |
2310049 | 1942 | Albersheim | Western Electric | Sound Record and Reproducing System. His proposed exponential curved V groove suitable for lateral recordings to reduce pinch effect. Also 2310048 about vibration translating system | |
2320416 | 1943 | Dally | Webster Electric | "Stylus for Reproducers. Also 2160793, RE22371,2261616, 2313324 & 2348526 about crystal pickups, 2222552&2346733 about Tone Arm, 2145389 about Arm and pickup, 2197967 about Sound Reproducing Apparatus (Arm coupled with pickup and amplifier circuit), 2379282&2412718 Recorder." | |
2320429 | 1943 | Hasbrouck | RCA | "Signal Recording and Reproducing System: compensating the loss of high frequencies due to groove radius [Inner start & 33.3rpm transcription disk]. Also 2311385 (combination of hill-and-dale operation and lateral operation is made possible by switching connection on transformer), 2280763 (phonograph apparatus, piezoelectric pickup with cantilever+stylus made from tungsten wire)" | |
2326280 | 1943 | Bauer | Shure Brothers | "Translating Device (Piezoelectric Element=Torsion Bar Form) Also 2381861, 2455913 & 2461475(stylus arm) and 2583289 etc" | |
2330801 | 1943 | Abbot | Physicists Research | Tracer Mechanism for Investigating Surface Irregularities | |
2347347 | 1944 | Yenzer | Bell Telephone Laboratories | Vibration Translating Device for hill and dale or lateral type of recordings | |
2350490 | 1944 | Berliner | NA | Sound Recording Apparatus (The feed screw of Recording Head is driven by the centre of turntable) | |
2367846 | 1945 | De Sart | United Acoustigraph Corporation | "Sound recording & reproducing Apparatus. Patents 2077388, 2094201, 2107050 etc by Bender assigned to same company use a strip of film as recording medium." | |
2369676 | 1945 | Pierce | NA | "Electromechanical Conversion-Device (Improved Reproducer). Also 2239717 etc. Frederick Vinton Hunt (1905-1972), a professor at Harvard University about acoustics, wrote together with his colleague J.A. Pierce: ""On Distortsion in Sound Reproduction from Phonograph Records"" J.A.S.A 1938, a monument paper simulating various phonograph distortions. W. D. Lewis and F. V. Hunt, ""A Theory of Tracing Distortion from Phonograph Records,"" J.A.S.A. 1941. These researches led to the development of criteria that eventually made possible the long-playing record." | |
2373181 | 1945 | Fleming | Transducer (Phonograph pickup for lateral-cut records) | ||
2379782 | 1945 | Bobb | Philco Radio and Television Corporation | Phonograph Pickup (MC type similar to cutter head) with peculiar suspension suitable for lateral & hill-and-dale movements. Also 2386089. 2410329(1946) with powdered iron core by Albright is also related to this pickup. | |
2383994 | 1945 | Smith | "National Company, Inc., in Massachusetts" | Phonograph Pick-up. Previous patent 1915804(1933) | |
2384253 | 1945 | Jearum | "Cutting, Grinding or Polishing Machine for Diamonds or other stones and the like (showing machine tool for making elliptic tip). Also see 671830-1901 & 835964-1906 by Loesser about Machine for Sawing Diamonds" | ||
2391784 | 1945 | Johnston | The Gray Manufacturing Company | "Sound Recording and Reproducing Machine. AUDOGRAPH is recording from inner to outer with constant groove speed like CD using soft vinyl disc sandwitched between two wheels. Also related patents 2410607, 2563860, 2628842& 2740633 etc." | |
2400953 | 1946 | Roys | RCA | "Method of and System for Recording Audio Frequency Waves. Also 2475200 about signal recording appratus, 2491215 about recording head with advance ball" | |
2406597 | 1947 | Faus | General Electric Company (GE) | Electric Pickup (MC type). Faus also invented 2415681(VR type) for GE. | |
2416082 | 1947 | Balmer | The Sound Scriber Corporation | "Hum-less Electrodynamic Pickup (lateral MC pickup) Also 2542457. Newspaper ""The Tech"" dated February 7, 1950 titled ""Churchill Repairs English Language""indicating Churchill's misuse of ""me"" instead of ""I"" reports that Winston Churchill dictates his memoirs on the dictating machine of the Sound Scriber." | |
2422817 | 1947 | Baker | NA | "Pickup with reed of magnetic material. Also RE23327(1951) Damper-less type (suspension/flexibility is obtained by reed) and 2581551, 2595561, 2622156 etc" | |
2423208 | 1947 | Sinnet | RCA | "Electrostatic Pickup. Also 2465288(capacity type pickup), 2388578(Record Reproducing System including electric circuit) etc" | |
2426061 | 1947 | Snepvangers | RCA | Electric Phonograph Pickup of the Capacity Type. In 1944 Snepvangers moved to CBS Laboratories for LP project and later in 1958 joined in Fairchild Recording Equipment Corporation. | |
2454425 | 1948 | Bauer | "Shure Brothers, Incorporated" | Magnetic Translating Device. Previous patent 2356810 | |
2464032 | 1949 | Franz | Dictaphone Corporation | Stylus Construction and Method (Embossing sound track). Related patent 2534735(1950). Yerkovich's patent 2318828 (Phonograph) assigned to Dictaphone shows full details of dictaing machine using a loop of acetate film. | |
2469933 | 1949 | Schwartz | Decca Limited in UK | Electromagnetic Pickup (T-shaped stylus assembly) =GB615421-615424. Another GB586900 by O'Brien (Americaner) is also shown on the metalic cover of Type D. | |
2473650 | 1949 | Kalmus | Zenith Radio Corporation | Phonograph pickup with mechanical filter. Also 2531689: Electrical Translating Means and Variable-Inductor Transducer Therefor. Pickup Signal transmitted by antena and received by radio receiver - there was such trend since Philco also obtain similar patent 2441464(1948) from Albright. | |
2478712 | 1949 | Rockwell | Crosley Broadcasting Corp. in Ohio | "Electrodynamic Phonograph Pickup (one turn of coil=ribbon type?) In 1945, the Crosley interests were purchased by Aviation Corporation. The radio and appliance manufacturing arm changed its name to Avco, but the broadcast operations continued to operate under the Crosley name, until they adopted the Avco name in 1968." | |
2480907 | 1949 | Dally | Electrovox Company in New Jersey | Phonograph Pickups (Piezoelectric). | |
2483196 | 1949 | Gordon | Bendix Aviation Corporation | VR(variable reluctance) Cartridge | |
2485432 | 1949 | Cornwell | Magnetic Phonograph Pickup. Also 2456388, 2444336, 2508753 etc. Lionel B. Cornwell worked as chief engineer for Cinaudagraph Corporation. | ||
2492186 | 1949 | Royston | American Type Founders | Reproducer for hill-and-dale and lateral cut phonograph records. Also 2516919(1950): Electrodynamic Phonograph Pickup | |
2510342 | 1950 | Kilgour | Avco Manufacturing Corporation | "Pickup Mounting. The Aviation Corporation later changed its name to Avco Manufacturing Corporation, and then in 1959 to Avco Corporation. In 1986 Avco was purchased by Textron." | |
2511663 | 1950 | Bachman | GE | Magnetic Phonograph Pickup. Also 2491794 & 2511664. After these inventions (1947) Bachman was invited to Columbia Broadcasting System for LP project. | |
2516338 | 1950 | Olson | RCA | Feedback Control System for Recording Cutter and the like | |
2516565 | 1950 | Guy | GE | Auto-offsetting pantograph arm similar to Garrard Zero series. See also later patent by Klein 2983517(1961) | |
2518861 | 1950 | Burtch | The Brush Development Company | Phonograph Pickups (Piezoelectric). The Brush Development Company in Cleveland was engaged in applying piezoelectric device on underwater acoustics during 2nd World War. German-born Semi Joseph Begun invented piezoelectric pickup(2363497etc) & magnetic recorders(2048487&2048488) etc for this company. | |
2528826 | 1950 | Saars | USA as represented by The Secretary of Navy | Recording Equipment having an adjustable advance ball | |
2530284 | 1950 | Cook | Frank L. Capps & CO. Inc. in New York | Recording Stylus (detailed function of burnishing facet angles) Earlier patent 2187512-1940 by Frank L. Capps is almost standardised while this later patent about two step facets is not realised. | |
2531242 | 1950 | Yenzer | Bell Telephone Laboratories | Electrodynamic Phonograph Pickup (Lateral cutter head with feedback coil). In 2746130 Davis showed method of securing heating conductor to stylus applicable to Westrex Model 2A. | |
2534725 | 1950 | Miller | NA | Electrodynamic Pickup having U-shaped Coil Holder | |
2543127 | 1951 | Pickering | "Pickering Associates, Inc." | Magnetic Sound Reproducer having removable stylus assembly. Also 2538164 cartridge, 2545859 dual styli" | |
2547227 | 1951 | O'Neal | Philco Corporation | "Phonograph Pickup. This patent tells the problems and difficulty of tracing on new ""microgroove"" records." | |
2551506 | 1951 | Rockwell | Crosley Broadcasting Corp. in Ohio | Dynamic Balanced Arm with two spring coils. Also 2587529 | |
2554209 | 1951 | Miner | GE | Dual Stylus Phonograph Pickup for Multispeed Record Players. Also 2554208 about improvement of cantilever. 2748199, 2776342, 2820853, 3047676 & 3088000 by Dally. 2572712 by Fisher. Slide-in type 2820854 by Woodworth. | |
2554696 | 1951 | Bruderlin | NA | Magnetic Phonograph Pickup Head with two pairs of pole pieces. Also 2388116 | |
2564054 | 1951 | Dreisbach | The Magnavox Company | Phonograph Pickup and Mechanical Motion Converting System Therefor. Also 2567105 (Crystal Pickup) | |
2573723 | 1951 | McClain | NA | Phonograph Stylus of small effectuive tip radius | |
2584922 | 1952 | Reid | Avco Manufacturing Corporation | Universal Reproducing Stylus. Analysis of differences of records between the past and present or between USA and England. Also 2686679 | |
2591996 | 1952 | Arentzen | Fonofilm Industri A/S (Ortofon) | Moving-Coil Phonograph Pickup. Coil is wound vertically on elongated core which is supported with dampers on vertical axis. Coil windings and pivot were modified later by Anneberg etc as per GB700155(1953) & DE873757. There was rare stereo modification model: the cantilever has been fixed at a cube for special Cardanic transmission 'cross- coupler' which converts stylus deflection to channel-separated rotary motion. | |
2593633 | 1952 | Umpleby | "The Decca Record Company, Limited, London" | Electrodynamic Phonograph Pickup | |
2606254 | 1952 | Sugden | NA | "Moving-Coil Sound Recording Head. Arnold Robinson Sugden started ""Connoisseur"" brand for consumer products." | |
2611038 | 1952 | Graham | RCA | Sound recorder with Sound-Controlled-Stylus Feed (Variable Pitch) | |
2617894 | 1952 | Arentzen | Fonofilm Industri A/S (Ortofon) | Electrodynamic Recording Device. | |
2619440 | 1952 | Lord | EMI | Gramophone Record (Record Composition) | |
2627416 | 1953 | Schoemehl | RCA | Induction Heating of Recording Styli. Related patent 2628104 by Shardlow assigned to RCA | |
2629605 | 1953 | Krisch | NA | "Phonograph Needle (ball bearing needle - mere fancy at the time, but now it can be embodied?) Related patent 2594759(1952) by Fischer" | |
2639156 | 1953 | Ward | GE | Double-Twist Phonograph Stylus Assembly | |
2647753 | 1953 | Goldmark | Columbia Broadcasting System | "Phonograph Pickup Mounting (proposing Inclined Arm Mounting for anti-skating: ""Since the tracking instability is greatest for the outmost sound groove, it is advantegeous to tilt the axis of rotation in a direction lateral of the arm in the position in which the arm engages the maximum diameter sound groove for which the phonograph is designed."") " | |
2650953 | 1953 | Gunter | Shure | Method of assembling phongraph translating devices | |
2658763 | 1953 | Roys | RCA | Phonograph Pickup Device and the like (Improvement on Masterson's patent 2560358 assigned to RCA) | |
2676806 | 1954 | Bachman | Columbia Broadcasting System | Arm Assembly (proposing viscous damping theory). His another patent 3622163(1971) Linear Tracking Arm and 3301565(1967) Suspended cartridge and Inclined Arm/Turntable Base for anti-skating | |
2681388 | 1954 | Goldmark | Columbia Broadcasting System | Phonograph Pickup with styli alternatively used for LP and SP (Turnover type cartridge) | |
2689275 | 1954 | Hansen | NA | Electrodynamic Pickup | |
2703343 | 1955 | Snepvangers | Columbia Broadcasting System | Phonograph Pickup: Piezoelectric type | |
2716551 | 1955 | Bachman | Columbia Broadcasting System | Record Cutting Stylus Suspension (Advance Ball Damping Suspension to insure the cutting of grooves of substantially uniform depth) | |
2734748 | 1956 | Parvin | RCA | "Disc Design for Compatible Center Holes: For playing on larger hole, the hub portion may be broken away within indentations." | |
2738385 | 1956 | Bachman | Columbia Broadcasting System | Sound Recording Apparatus (Automatic Variable Pitch Recording) | |
2742530 | 1956 | Mayer | The Astatic Corporation | Stylus Removable Cartridges (plural styli on one cantilever) | |
2743478 | 1956 | Harlow | RCA | Automatic Molding Apparatus. Also 2853737 These have good reference to previous patents since SP era. Also 3662051(1972) | |
2744212 | 1956 | Baum | NA | Phonograph attachment for eliminating static electricity from records | |
2749131 | 1956 | Kelly | Cosmocord Limited in UK | "Mechanical Coupling Device (Pickup Cartridge using bimorph piezoelectric plates) Also 2771514, 3089922. Related patents 2938966 by Spencer and 3067296 by Heinlein about piezoelectric element for stereophonic cartridge." | |
2752428 | 1956 | Bauer | Shure | Click mounting of stylus holder on piezoelectric cartridges | |
2754372 | 1956 | Weathers | Weathers | Variable capacity pickup. Also 2507188(1950) | |
2759732 | 1956 | O'Neal | Philco Corporation | Phonograph Stylus (universal tip applicable for both coarse & fine grooves) Similar idea was already presented by Graupner and Gullner in Germany (German Patent 885163-1953: Universal-Doppelnadeln fuer normale und Microrillen-Schallplatten) | |
2772888 | 1956 | Doncaster | Columbia Broadcasting System | Stereophonic Record Making (Monaural Two Faces synchronised) | |
2780680 | 1957 | Jensen | Webster Electric | Transducer (using ceramic element) Also 2771513 | |
2792456 | 1957 | Lindenberg | Fairchild | Vibration Translating Device (Monaural Cutter driven by moving coil) | |
2819088 | 1958 | Felix | "Sears, Roebuck & Co." | Tone Arm Construction for Phonograph (arm shape itself is amplifying sound mechanically without using diaphragm of sound box) | |
2819089 | 1958 | Williams | Dictaphone Corporation | Recording Method using translating head and stylus (Recording on plastic belt) | |
2840644 | 1958 | Klingener | Sonotone Corporation | Phonograph Pickups (Piezoelectric) Also 2717929 | |
2847514 | 1958 | Evans | RCA | Automatic Variable Pitch Control Apparatus for Disc Recorders | |
2848559 | 1958 | Palo | The Astatic Corporation in Ohio | Universal Phonograph Pick-up Cartridge | |
2854529 | 1958 | Williamson | Ferranti Limited in UK | Pickup Heads (moving-conductor type called also as ribbon type). This idea is not new (for example 1916162-1933 invented by Parker and assigned to Pacent Electric Company used U-shape copper strip as armature). | |
2858374 | 1958 | Goldmark | Columbia Broadcasting System | Stereophonic Record using monophonic double faces (Also 2950116) | |
2858375 | 1958 | Preston | RCA | Wide range dynamic phonograph pickup | |
2864897 | 1958 | Kaar | Hoffman Electronics Corporation | Universal Pickup Head (Vertical/Lateral/Stereo by changing connection) | |
2875282 | 1959 | Reiback | NA | Binaural Phonograph Pickup (L/V stereophonic type since this patent was applied in 1953 before 45/45 stereo era) | |
2879413 | 1959 | Johannsen | Sonotone Corporation | Phonograph Pickups (Piezoelectric) | |
2881005 | 1959 | Faillace | Sonotone Corporation | Phonograph Pickups (Piezoelectric) | |
2883478 | 1959 | McConnell | Electro-Sonic Laboratories | Moving Armature Phonograph (MC type) Pickups. Also 3043920 (Permanent Magnetized Rotor on pivot) | |
2917590 | 1959 | Stanton | Stanton | Improvement of Monophonic MI Cartridges | |
2934610 | 1960 | Dieter | Sonotone Corporation | "Piezoelectric Stereo Pickups (various construction) Also 2849239, 2955170, 2955216. And much later patent 3952171(1976) to Micro-Acoustics" | |
2939464 | 1960 | Guest | BSR(Birmingham Sound Reproducers Ltd) | Auto-changing mechanism. Also 3049354 for auto-return and re-set mechanism | |
2939716 | 1960 | Bauer | Shure | Stylus turnover=two needles cartridge | |
2948783 | 1960 | Scully | NA | Cutter (esp. Depth) Control Means for cutting recording grooves (Scully Automatic Recoding Machine had already variable pitch control) | |
2951915 | 1960 | Pearson | Sonotone Corporation | Playback system for stereophonic records with mechanical rumble filter | |
2960759 | 1960 | Bondley | GE | Method of manufacturing phonograph styli (special shape of shank base suitable for bonding diamond tips). His another patent 2992007(1961) about titanium shank for bonding a diamond tip with solder bond of granulated nickel. | |
2962561 | 1960 | Neumann | "TELDEC, Telefunken-Decca Schallplatten GmbH" | Method and apparatus for dual sound track recording (Cutting head) Also 3014992(Cutting head) & 3390888 (Cutting stylus) | |
2963556 | 1960 | Redlich | TELDEC | Apparatus for Sound Recording (Variable Pitch) Also 2977424 & 2792454 | |
2965378 | 1960 | Assie | "Les Industries Musicales et Electrique Pathe Marconi, Paris" | Gramophone Pick-ups [about resilient stylus arm suspension] | |
2967214 | 1961 | Vanderlyn | EMI=Electric and Musical Industries in UK | Moving Coil Electro-Mechanical Transducers | |
2974961 | 1961 | Goldmark | Columbia Broadcasting System | Phongraph Reproducer (silicone oil Damped Arm suitable for the use on a movable vehicle) | |
2976551 | 1961 | Watts | Cecil E Watts | Gramophone Records Cleaning Machine | |
2983516 | 1961 | Bauer | Shure | Transcription Tone Arm: Incorporating Dynamic Damping Theory developed by B.B. Bauer | |
2983796 | 1961 | Marshall | "The Garrard Engineering & Manufacturing Company Limited, Swindon, UK" | Moving Coil Pick-ups for phonographs and the like | |
2984711 | 1961 | Bayliff | Decca London cartridges | Gramophone Pickup (Stereophonic L/V matrix to comply with 45/45 system). Bayliff invented 4100371(Loudspeaker system with phase difference compensation) for Decca Limited | |
2993234 | 1961 | Miura | Tokyo Shibaura Elec (=Toshiba) | Antistatic Record Disks | |
2993698 | 1961 | Stanton | Pickering Unipoise 194 | Phonograph Pick-up Arm with one-point bearing. | |
3000005 | 1961 | Moyer | RCA | "Off-Center Indicator [to check the concentricity of phonograph records and metal phonograph stampers]. In producing a stamper, the center hole is obliterated during the plating process: necessary to punch a center hole in each stamper anew. " | |
3005060 | 1961 | Weathers | NA | L/V type variable capacitance cartridge to make applicable to any type of modulations(45/45 & L/V). In monophic era (1950), P. Weathers invented electrostatic pickup (US Patent 2507188)." | |
3013125 | 1961 | Hollywood | Columbia Broadcasting System | Streophonic Recording: various ideas about amplitude, velocity limiter or expander for stereophonic recording system | |
3014992 | 1961 | Angenendt | Telefunken GmbH | Dual Sound Track Transducer Head (Stereo cutting head) | |
3014993 | 1961 | Narma | Fairchild Recording Equipment | Phonograph Pickup Cartridge: Sample of Moving Magnet | |
3020361 | 1962 | Minter | NA | Electromagnetic Engraving Apparatus. J.B. Minter invented also 3067292: Stereophonic Sound Transmission & Reproduction (forerunner of CD-4 using FM technology) | |
3023459 | 1962 | Cook | NA | "Method of manufacturing phonograph records (""microfusion"" method using pulverised resin instead of pre-mixed lump/biscuit/cake). His binaural records with two concentric grooves were produced in 1951- but similar was already invented by Dolittle of RCA (1817177 & 2126370) etc." | |
3028161 | 1962 | Siebert | General Dynamics | Tone Arm Suspension and Balancing System. RA-498 by Stromberg-Carlson utilized viscous damping material in the trough of arm pivot suspension (forerunner to Decca/Keith Monks). His another patent No. 3025066 for Turntable PR-499 | |
3040136 | 1962 | Grado | Grado | "MC cartridges (Stereophonic & Monophonic). Vertical coil assembly in his another patent 3018336(1962) resembled to Ortofon Type A(2591996-1952) while this new patent had ""cross coils"" wound on a plastic cubic bobbin (magnetic? plug inside). " | |
3048667 | 1962 | Jensen | Jensen Industry | Cartridge for Phonograph pickup (Electro-Mechanical Element=Piezoelectric?) | |
3051494 | 1962 | Walton | Cosmocord Limited in UK | "Gramophone Pickups (Arm very similar to later patent 3167317 by Percy Wilson). John Walton worked also for The Decca Record Company in England and reported many articles to AES during '60 about ""stylus mass and elliptical points"" etc." | |
3051798 | 1962 | Knudsen | Fonofilm Industri A/S (Ortofon) | Device for the recording or reproduction of sound tracks. | |
3053943 | 1962 | Bachman | Columbia Broadcasting System | Phonograph Record Cutter (Stereophonic) | |
3055988 | 1962 | Bauer | Shure | MM cartridge (originally monophonic cartridge) with offset around 18degrees at cantilever to be coupled with M12/M16 professional arms-see patent 2983516 | |
3060280 | 1962 | Wood | Electro-Voice | Stereophonic Mechanical Transducer (=Piezoelectric) Similar patent 3523690 by Vanderkoppel was assigned to Electro-Voice. | |
3060281 | 1962 | Snepvangers | Fairchild Recording Equipment | Phonograph Pickup Cartridge: Sample of Variable Reluctance type cartridge with unique suspension. He invented capacity pickup and assigned many patents (2397888 &2417712& 2426061etc) to RCA. He worked also for CBS 1944-1957. | |
3062925 | 1962 | Pritchard | GE | "Phonograph Pickup Cartridge and Replacement Stylus Therefor. Also 3015703, 3118978, 3219764 etc" | |
3067295 | 1962 | Stanton | "Pickering & Company, Inc." | Various Stereophonic MI Cartridges | |
3075052 | 1963 | Terry | EMI=Electric and Musical Industries Limited in UK | Method of making grooved records (Variable Pitch and Depth Control). | |
3077521 | 1963 | Ahrens | Shure | Stereophonic MM (ELAC engineers in Kiel got German patent No. 1 105 628 in 1957 and its US patent was assigned to Shure). Also 3463889(1969) for Streophonic cartridge with detailed drawing about yoke-construction | |
3077522 | 1963 | Gunter | Shure | Stereophonic pickup cartridge | |
3088742 | 1963 | Alexandrovich | Fairchild Recording Equipment | Inside force cancelling device | |
3118977 | 1964 | Olson | RCA | Multi-groove Stereophonic Sound Recording and Reproducing System | |
3129008 | 1964 | Suzuki | JVC | Inside force cancelling device(spring) for arm | |
3133161 | 1964 | Neumann | Neumann | Electro-Mechanical Transducer with negative feedback for the recording and reproduction of sound waves | |
3142729 | 1964 | Davis | Litton Systems | Phonograph Reproducer (Twin moving coils). Westrex Corp was a wholly-owned subsidiary of Litton Industries since 1956 and the successor to Western Electric's cinema sound business unit. | |
3146319 | 1964 | Stanton | "Pickering & Company, Inc." | Magnetc Cartridge with compensating pole piece (MM type). | |
3151221 | 1964 | Pyke | EMI=Electric and Musical Industries | Gramophone Pick-ups (Variable Reluctance Type) | |
3167317 | 1965 | Wilson | NA | "Tone Arm. Percy Wilson as the technical editor of the Gramophone wrote ""Needle-Track Alignment"" in 1924 and also designed record cleaning machine (based on which Loricraft etc made commercial models)." | |
3184242 | 1965 | Capps | "Capps & Co., Inc." | Recording Stylus (special curved V form similar once proposed by Alberheim in 2310049-1943) | |
3184555 | 1965 | Marshall | Garrard | Stereophonic Electrostatic Pick-up | |
3186029 | 1965 | Joseph | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. [MGM] | Machine for making Disk Phonograph Records | |
3186932 | 1965 | Scott | "Audio Matrix, Inc." | "Apparatus for forming phonograph record masters, mothers and stampers " | |
3189353 | 1965 | Grado | Grado | Record cleaning device for mounting on a record changer tone arm | |
3194896 | 1965 | Redlich | TELDEC | Streophonic Transducer with adjustable feedback coils | |
3201432 | 1965 | Hammond | V-M Corporation | Drive Yoke for Phonograph Pickups (Yoke for piezoelectric elements) | |
3201527 | 1965 | Ahrens | Electroacustic Gesellschaft (ELAC) | Phonograph pickup for grooved records | |
3207857 | 1965 | Poutot | US Philips | Electrodynamic Transducer (Ideas for stereophonic cutters or pickups) | |
3215439 | 1965 | Lindenberg | The Astatic Corporation in Ohio | Compliant Phonograph Stylus Mounting (two styli on cantilever=stylus turnover for piezoelectric pickup) | |
3215440 | 1965 | Wood | "Euphonics Corporation, Puerto Rico" | Phonograph Cartridge (Rotary lever exchanging cantilevers each with stylus for LP or SP). | |
3215785 | 1965 | Palo | The Astatic Corporation in Ohio | Stereophonic Piezoelectric Pickup Cartridge | |
3216730 | 1965 | Ogura | NA | Recording Needle and Method for making the same (bonded tip forming is shown in detail) | |
3218399 | 1965 | de Vries | "Ronette Piezoelectrische Industrie, Amsterdam" | """Ronette"" type Piezoelectric Stereo Pickup. Also 3022384, 3136554, 3136555, 3,178520, 3514550, 3525528 etc. Also 2825763(1958) for Monophonic Piezoelectric Pickup" | |
3219351 | 1965 | Shaper | Dyna-Empire(EMPIRE) | Tone Arm Lift by Magnetic force. Similar type was already invented by Kellog of RCA 2324214-1943 | |
3229048 | 1966 | Fox | RCA | Recording System for compensating expected distortions on playback. Related patent 2960568 by Leyton assigned to RCA : Tape Reproducing System. | |
3230318 | 1966 | Engel | Telefunken | Transducer(Cutter/Pickup etc) | |
3231283 | 1966 | Stanton | Stanton Unipoise #200 | Arm with one-point bearing pin: VTF adjustable by sliding the weight on the arm wand. His another patent 3309094 for Phonoghraphic Turntable Assembly | |
3243188 | 1966 | Caddy | Garrard | Record Changing Mechanism | |
3243524 | 1966 | Laux | RCA | "Phonograph pickup with resiliently loaded stylus beam (piezoelectric element is inherently stiff and heavy, hence beam is designed to have reduced mechanical impedance for better performance) Also 3102171" | |
3254897 | 1966 | Holmes | NA | Tone Arm (Tangential straight arm extending from side) | |
3261925 | 1966 | Smith | "A. Bernard Smith Laboratories, Inc. in Ohio" | Stereophonic Photoelectric Transducer (Semi-conductor Photoelectric Cell: germanium transistor) | |
3292935 | 1966 | Cooper | Decca Limited in UK | Magnetic Anti-skating Mechanism (claim priority, application GB July 1962)" | |
3292936 | 1966 | Grado | Grado | Elliptical stylus making from cone by cutting front and back faces | |
3294405 | 1966 | Pritchard | Audio Dynamics Corp (ADC) | IM cartridge having removable stylus | |
3297831 | 1967 | Stanton | Stanton | Magnetc Stereophonic Phonograph Pickup (New Construction of MM type). | |
3298059 | 1967 | Sakamoto | JVC | Press Machine for Molding Records | |
3299219 | 1967 | Madsen | Bang & Orfusen (B&O) | MMC(=Moving Micro Cross=Moving Iron) & MC with low moving mass. SP7/9 were plug-ins for B&O arm | |
3301565 | 1967 | Bachman | Columbia Broadcasting System | Phonograph Record Reproducing Apparatus (Inclined arm base & cartridge supension) | |
3315967 | 1967 | Laufer | Dual Gebruder Steidinger | Antiskating Device (Spring and lever). Actual device applied on 1019 looks much refined/modified from original drawing. | |
3318603 | 1967 | Motimer | Garrard | Inside force cancelling device (thrust bar and L-shape weight) | |
3328037 | 1967 | Lehmann | Dual | Apparatus for measuring antiskating force in pick-ups | |
3329997 | 1967 | Rand | EMI=Electric and Musical Industries | Apparatus for Automatic Production of Gramophone Records. Also 3264386 | |
3351830 | 1967 | Wilner | Endevco Corporation | "Piezoresistive Transducer. Also 3501732: Semiconductive Piezoresistive Transducer. Engineers (Wood and Grover) of Euphonics Corporation reported in AES Convention (Oct.1965):""In October of 1964 Euphonics Corporation announced the development of a new phonograph transducer utilizing ... Since the development of this silicon fiber by Endevco Corporation, several years of rigorious testing and use in the ..."" Later (1976) cartridge SDT-10 by Win Laboratories follows similar system. " | |
3356795 | 1967 | Shaper | Dyna-Empire(EMPIRE) | Stereophonic Magnetic Phonograph Pickup . MM & IM cartidges | |
3360616 | 1967 | Shiga | Denon | Stereophonic Ribbon Cartridge | |
3377439 | 1968 | Rouy | "Erie Technological Products, Inc." | Binaural Piezoelectric Pickup | |
3383752 | 1968 | Hukao | Toshiba | Method of preparing stylus from corundum (sapphire or ruby crystal). Crystalline orientation with respect to the direction of rubbing between stylus and record for extended life time of corundum tip. | |
3383474 | 1968 | Kriebel | Electroacustic Gesellschaft (ELAC) | Electromagnetic pickup with exchangeable stylus assembly for phonograph records | |
3388912 | 1968 | Shimoda | Sony | "Pickup Arm. Anti-skating mechanism by cam and lever with spring. Also 3492006 about the location of Lateral Balance Weight. Mr. Seisuke Shimoda from Toho Machine Co., Ltd which has been engaged in precision machining since 1947." | |
3390888 | 1968 | Klemp | TELDEC | Recording Device (cutting stylus in consideration of VMA/VTA) | |
3393915 | 1968 | Osborne | The Wurlitzer Company | "Two-Speed Phonograph Drive for ""juke boxes"". Also 3131800(1964) by Osborne for Coin Controlled Phonograph and 3734512 for Tonearm Assembly for Automatic Phonograph" | |
3399900 | 1968 | Tsukamoto | Satin cartridges | "Dynamic Mechanism having a damper. Also 3142786(patented 1964, applied 1960) about round coil of aluminum ribbon wire (10x100microns) for MC cartridges [later models since M6-45 are said to have triangle coils]" | |
3402935 | 1968 | Kitazawa | Nippon Columbia (Denon) | "Automatic Record Player Apparatus (""juke boxe"" or ""music box"")" | |
3403233 | 1968 | Cooper | NA | Method of making grooved records with compensation for reproduction errors. Tracing Simulator/Compensator | |
3441688 | 1969 | Shaper | Empire | MI Cartridges | |
3444335 | 1969 | Walton | NA | Phonograph Pickup with de-coupling of the stylus mass (showing electrically equivalent circuit for mechanical piezoelectric element and damper) | |
3457374 | 1969 | Redlich | TELDEC | Recording Method and Apparatus for compensating third order distortions. Tracing Simulator for 3rd harmonic distortion in addition to previous method (2nd harmonic distortion compensating upon recording). | |
3469040 | 1969 | Shaper | Empire Scientific Corp(EMPIRE) | Variable Reluctance Cartridges | |
3479038 | 1969 | Eisner | NA | Tangential Arm/Turntable floating bearing with pneumatic power from turntable motor air-pressure | |
3482061 | 1969 | Grado | "A-2 & BE (elliptic stylus), BT/R &BR(" | "Stereophonic Cartridge (Piezoelectric type, the compliance of which is adjustable at user's end to match with tone arm mass)" | |
3484566 | 1969 | Kuriyagawa | Toshiba | Disc Recording System with precompensation by successive differentiation | |
3486757 | 1969 | Loescher | Lenco A G | Record Cleaning Device (Arm type: cleaning fluid is made of distilled water and detergent or distilled water and ethyl alchol=ethanol ) | |
3490771 | 1970 | Bauer | Columbia Broadcasting System | Sound Recording Method and Apparatus describing the method to reduce the difference between VMA and VTA by determining springback value and effect. | |
3494623 | 1970 | Nesle | "Firma Perpetuum Ebner, Fabrik fur Fein-mechanik und Elektrotechnik Steidinger & Co" | "Arm with two coil springs (one for VTF, another antiskating). Antiskating Force is obtained simultaneously with tracking force by means of a synchronized cam. P+E merged into DUAL in 1971." | |
3497636 | 1970 | Bayless | NA | Monaural-Binaural Phonograph with independent spaced styli | |
3503615 | 1970 | Matsuda | Denon | Auto Players (starting point for electromagnetic control of arm) Also 3689079(1972) etc | |
3524950 | 1970 | Konagaya | Tokyo Shibaura Elec (=Toshiba) | Stereophonic Photoelectric Pickup Device | |
3526690 | 1970 | Bachman | CBS | Method and Apparatus for producing Phonograph Records | |
3526728 | 1970 | Iga | Matsushita=Technics | Variable Reluctance Cartridge | |
3528127 | 1970 | Damm | Carl Lindstrom Gesellschaft in Germany | Apparatus for the automatic production of Gramophone Records | |
3528665 | 1970 | Klemp | TELDEC | Method and Apparatus for cutting a groove in the surface. | |
3531601 | 1970 | Muttick | Sonotone Corporation | Phonograph Pickup Cartridge with selectively settable compliance. Also 3527900 | |
3534968 | 1970 | Puleston | Bruce Diamond Corporation | Elliptical Phonograph Stylus 0.7x0.2mil (forerunner to Van den Hul type with constant radius of curvature=edge. Included angle 60-65degrees and arcuate chord distance 0.9mil of radius 0.7mil for bottom in this patent) | |
3538266 | 1970 | Cho | Micro Seiki | IM cartridge with magnet located behind armature (unique stylus holder knob was intended preliminarily for optimum stylus pressure) | |
3542972 | 1970 | Braun | NA | Individual adjustable magnets for MM | |
3546399 | 1970 | Stanton | "Pickering & Company, Inc." | Induced Magnetic Moving Iron Stereophonic Phonograph Pickup with replaceable stylus assembly | |
3572724 | 1971 | Rabinow | RABCO | "Linear Tracking Arm with servo-drive on spring suspension. In 1968 Rabinow formed the RABCO company to manufacture straight-line phonographs, and the company was later bought out by Harman-Kardon Corporation. His other patents 2915315(1959), 3129946, 3249361, 3249362, 3356372, 3390886, 3675932 etc." | |
3572725 | 1971 | Murphy | "Pickering & Company, Inc." | Removable brush attachment on cartridge | |
3576955 | 1971 | Obata | Matsushita=Technics | New armature assembly for MM: disc-shaped magnet of platinum-cobalt alloy. A pipe of magnetic conductor is provided to reinforce the coupling between stylus arm and the magnet and at the same time to increase equivalently the length of magnet and increase the magnetic moment of the magnet under vibration. | |
3610840 | 1971 | Miller | RCA | "Stereophonic Phonograph Picup with single pad for piezoelectric element coupling, support and damping [Stylus Turnover Piezoelectric Type]. Also 3699268" | |
3627931 | 1971 | Matsuda | Denon | MM Cartridge with E-shaped cores & flat magnet (for ex. thickness 0.5mmx 2mm square/diameter). Windings are wound on the centre leg of E-shaped core. Also multi-layered cantilever is shown. | |
3632886 | 1972 | Scheiber | Quadrasonic Sound System. Matrix 4 channel surround. Also 3746792-1973(Multidirectional Sound System) & 3959590-1976(Stereophonic Sound System) & 5857016-1997(Space-mapping sound system) etc | ||
3635622 | 1972 | Wechsler | "Capitol Records, Inc." | Automatic Record Press | |
3645541 | 1972 | Aikman | SME | Pickup Arms (Design quite different from any SME arms: side thrust is compensated by inclination of pivotal axis.) | |
3646279 | 1972 | Stanton | "Pickering & Company, Inc." | Induced Magnetic Moving Iron Stereophonic Phonograph Pickup with replaceable stylus assembly and one common pole piece | |
3654660 | 1972 | Taylor | Vacorec | Phonograph Record Vacuum Cleaner. Also 3005223 & 3150401 | |
3665123 | 1972 | Ikeda | "Mitachi Onkyo Seisakusho (brand name ""GLANZ"")" | IM Cartridge | |
3673354 | 1972 | Oda | Matsushita=Technics | Semiconductor Stress Transducer (various drawings for armature constructions: some are too complicated so that the simplest is realized?) | |
3679843 | 1972 | Cho | Micro Seiki | MC cartridge with V shape core for coils. MC-4100 is forerunner of detachable/replaceable stylus assy for MC system. | |
3682485 | 1972 | Guha | V-M Corporation | Phonogram Tone Arm. Guha also invented later for Avnet=B.I.C.turntables and arms. | |
3683128 | 1972 | Grado | All GRADO cartridges since '70s | "Flux-Bridging Streophonic Picup. Also 3694586(1972) toroidal armature, 3881073(1975), 4031336(1977) and 4174111(1979) cantilever anchor suspension" | |
3683248 | 1972 | Kobayashi | Matsushita=Technics | Directly Driven Turntable. Later motors since 1971 have been much simplified (without skewed stator slot) in order to make winding the stator easy - see US Patent 3860843(1975) | |
3686471 | 1972 | Takahashi | Victor Company of Japan (JVC) | "Discrete 4 Channel Recording/Reproducing System. Preceding Patent 3401237(1968):""Simultaneous Recording of Two Signals per Channel"" invented by Kenjiro TAKAYANAGI (famous inventor of TV in Japan) and assigned to JVC. Additional patent 3883699(1975) for system and 4033592(1977) for special cutting stylus." | |
3686939 | 1972 | Fuchs | Shure | Stylus Tracking Force Gauge | |
3697087 | 1972 | Takahashi | Pioneer | Automatic Record Player (repeat function with sub-motor for arm control) | |
3700829 | 1972 | Anneberg | Fonofilm Industri A/S (Ortofon) | IM=VMS(Variable Magnetic Shunt) Cartridge: The armature acts as a variable magnetic load conveying stylus movements. Patent reissued in 1977 under RE 29232 | |
3720796 | 1973 | Honma | Audio Technica | AT-35X -- V shape magnets=VM (Japan patent application 42/53200 year 1967) | |
3722893 | 1973 | Shimoda | "Toho Machine CO., Ltd. " | Tone Arm Mechanism. Also 4004817(1977). Seisuke Shimoda once invented patents 3388912/3492006 for Sony | |
3729596 | 1973 | Toth | "Hermut Wilms in Lubeck, Germany" | Pickup or Cutting Device with two moving coils | |
3731009 | 1973 | Watanabe | Toshiba | Capacitive Transducer directly coupled to cantilever (Electret Condenser type cartridge) | |
3745263 | 1973 | Kawakami | NA | Electro-static transducers (condenser type pickup) His previous patent 3649775 was assigned to Sony. | |
3761647 | 1973 | Nemoto | Audio Technica | V shape IM cartridges (Japan patent application. 43/57408 year 1968) | |
3763335 | 1973 | Morita | Matsushita=Technics | Idea for cartridge with magnet armature NSN | |
3770901 | 1973 | Bauer | Columbia Broadcasting System | "Stereo-Quadraphonic Records. Also 3745242, 3784744, 3875338 about decoders, 3890466 about encoders" | |
3771797 | 1973 | Braun | NA | Linear Tracking Guide with magnetic floating mechanism | |
3774918 | 1973 | Shibata | Victor Company of Japan (JVC) | Stylus Tip (Shibata type) Suitable for 4 channel reproduction. Its line contact profile (a curve of large radius of curvature in its parts in contact with a record groove in a vertical section) is easy to be obtained: two planes cut off from cone. | |
3779563 | 1973 | Irisawa | NA | Magnetic Device for Anti-skating (Two Crescent Magnets inside of Arm Pillar) | |
3786193 | 1974 | Tsurushima | Sony | Four Channel Decoder with Variable Mixing of the Output Channels. Also 3883692 In 1968 Sony started a joint company CBS-Sony Record Company in Japan. | |
3787622 | 1974 | Itoh | Sansui | "Quadrasonic Sound System for Two Channel Transmissions. Matrix 4 channel surround. Also RE29171(3777076), 3783192, 3825684, 3836715, 3887770, 3892918, 3934086, 3952157, 3982069, 4021612 etc." | |
3813101 | 1974 | Benz | NA | Pickup needle having a diamond tip soldered by a hard solder to a shaft | |
3829615 | 1974 | Hiramatsu | Mitsubishi Denki(Electric) | Quaternary Stereophonic Sound Reproduction Apparatus. | |
3830459 | 1974 | Strausfeld | EMI Electrola in Germany | Record Presses. Also 4141531 | |
3846592 | 1974 | Stanton | 780/4DQ | MI Cartridge for 4-channel groove reproduction | |
3850436 | 1974 | Rabe | Polyband Gesellschaft in Munich | Method of cutting gramophone records: Pitch and Depth control in consideration of reproducing stylus profile | |
3871664 | 1975 | Hughes | "Diamagnetics, Inc." | Phonograph Stylus (reproducing stylus improved from Shibata type) | |
3878342 | 1975 | Gudmandsen | Fonofilm Industri A/S (Ortofon) | Replaceable Stylus for Pickup | |
3904837 | 1975 | Sugimoto | Hitachi | Magnetic Pickup Cartridge (disc-shaped moving magnet pivotally supported on the rear end of needle holder: one-point pivot and receptacle both made of hard jewel in order to have definitive fulcrum) | |
3918722 | 1975 | Nakajima | Sony | Tone Arm Wand of Carbon Fibers. | |
3918723 | 1975 | Nakajima | Sony | Cantilever made of Carbon fibers. Embodiment in XL-35 and XL-45 was carbon-clad aluminum cantilever | |
3923309 | 1975 | Nakajima | Sony | Cartridge shell for phonograph pickup. Carbon-clad shell is based on another patent 3957272 invented by Yasuda ans assigned to Sony: ""the carbonaceous fibers bonded together by a synthetic resin and secured to a metal cover plate by a suitable adhesive or by a heat-press. | |
3927887 | 1975 | Otani | Matsushita=Technics | Record stylus. Stylus substrate having a surface coated with a film of silicon carbide or boron carbide thereon | |
3932087 | 1976 | Lindell | Toolex Alpha Aktiebolag (Sweden) [now ALPHA SWEDEN] | "Arrangement in moulding presses with parted press tools for the production of hot-pressed plastic material products, especially grammophone records " | |
3941547 | 1976 | Green | "United Artists Music and Records Group, Inc." | Phonograph record pressing die assembly | |
3944754 | 1976 | Ishigaki | Victor Company of Japan (JVC) | Record disc recording system with signal amplitude controlled by stylus arm position. Signal amplitude limitting toward inner (softer operation than tracing simulators). | |
3948529 | 1976 | Wittenberg | "Pickering & Company, Inc." | Phonograph Turntable Anti-skating Device | |
3951841 | 1976 | Maier | Discwasher Inc | Phonograph record cleaning composition (see also 3965520 Brush and cleaning composition for phonograph records) | |
3952171 | 1976 | Dieter | Micro-Acoustics Corporation | Stereo phonograph cartridge (stereo piezo-electric cartridge) Also 4326285-1982 (new design of damper) | |
3954273 | 1976 | Shaper | Empire | Magnetic Cartridge. Magnetic rod within cantilever pipe, main magnet axial at the end of poles, other two magnets for flux balancing at side. Unique double dampers: cantilever suspension and inner magnet piece suspension inside cantilever. | |
3956598 | 1976 | Kawakami | Sony | Moving coil pickup cartridge with diaphragm coupling | |
3958292 | 1976 | Powell | Milty Products Limited | Roller for cleaning phonograph records (adhesive tape peeling off after use) | |
3960790 | 1976 | Khanna | RCA | ||
3961797 | 1976 | Tsukagoshi | Pioneer | Improvement of cantilever: an aluminum pipe whose periphery carries a porous vacuum vapor deposited beryllium layer | |
3963880 | 1976 | Ikeda | FR | Moving coil-type cartridge (Non-magnetic bobbin) Japanese Patent Application S49-85387(Publication S51-014002) | |
3964752 | 1976 | Charlin | NA | "Methods and devices for recording, engraving and reproducing modulated information in tetraphony: 2separate grooves 4 channels. His other patents 2437997,2458346,2488763&2506441about cinematograph and condensor. 1904408(1933) about Needle Securing Device for Talking Machine" | |
3966330 | 1976 | Ridler | Strathearn Audio Limited | Phonograph record detecting arrangement (optical beam and sensor for size select) | |
3973777 | 1976 | Guha | "Avnet, Inc." | "Cueing control. Dwipendra Nath Guha invented also 3949995(needle control-unique dynamic arm with two springs for side and down forces) & 4004816(programmer for record player) for Avnet, Inc in New York.. AVNET, the owner of importer ""British Industies Corp."" (B-I-C) needed their own products since Plessey of England (parent company of Garrard in this era) set up their own distribution of Garrard products in USA. Related patent 3973778 for belt-drive turntable assigned to Avnet." | |
3975025 | 1976 | Obata | Matsushita=Technics | Pickup Cartridge (Piezoelectric) | |
3983335 | 1976 | Nemoto | Audio Technica | MM cartridge with single rod magnet located tangential to cantilever. | |
3988024 | 1976 | Watanabe | Toshiba | Flat DD Motor: a plurality of magnets provided on the inner surface of the turntable so as to be disposed in a state alternately opposite in polarity and a plurality of coils provided on a stationary substrate disposed to face said turntable to have an increased driving torque - see Fig.10 | |
3989903 | 1976 | Cooper | Nippon Columbia (Denon) | "Multi-directional sound signal recording and/or reproducing system with crosstalk compensation means. Also 3985978. Improved discrete 4 channel system named as UM system=UMX:""UNIVERSAL MATRIX""system compatible to CD-4, RM and SQ/QS and regular stereophonic disks for reproducing 4 channels. " | |
3991284 | 1976 | Braun | MM Cartridges with two magnets | ||
3993315 | 1976 | Sorensen | B&O | Automatic phonographs with liner tracking arms. Using photocell for controlling arms. | |
3997174 | 1976 | Kawashima | Sony | Turntable Mat. The vibration-damping properties of the mat may be enhanced by providing solid particles which float in the viscous liquid. Also 4079946 | |
3997817 | 1976 | Secker | Milty ZEROSTAT | "Device for neutralizing the charge on statically-charged surfaces. British Patent GB1500492-1978 | |
D251558 | 1977 | Ikeda | Infinity | Tone Arm Design.(Design Patent). Ikeda Makoto designed another arm D257534(1980) with new counter weight system | |
4009885 | 1977 | Pritchard | Sonic Research Corp. | Magnetic Pickup and Removable Stylus Assembly of Low Mass. Pritchard left ADC and started Sonic Research Corp. around 1975. Also 4067582 about stylus suspension | |
4011417 | 1977 | Kageyama | GLANZ | "New type MM cartridge (coils fixed to the end of yoke) looking like mixture of MM, IM and MC" | |
4023130 | 1977 | Ridle | Strathearn Audio Limited | Pivoted arm control arrangements. Electro-magnetic counterbalance and VTF system. This patent is also registered in Japan (S51-23702 in 1976) by Strathearn. | |
4031335 | 1977 | Smit | US Philips | Stereo pick-up with casing serving as common pole piece. Also 4456984(1984) | |
4033591 | 1977 | Ichikawa | Ichikawa Hoseki Kabushiki Kaisha | "Pick-up arm rotary pivot bearing structure (""One Point Cross Suspension System"")" | |
4033592 | 1977 | Tokuta | Victor Company of Japan (JVC) | Record Disc Cutting Stylus (esp. for 4-channel record disc recording system) | |
4037060 | 1977 | Uchida | "Japan Piezo Co., Ltd (Azden)" | "IM cartridge with both a rod-shaped armature and a disk-shaped armature (called as tri-pole armature): patented in Japan, Canada, GB, Germany and USA." | |
4038009 | 1977 | Toull | EMI Limited in UK | Apparatus for the manufacture of disc records. Automated record press incorporated with trimming the flash around the edge of the disc. This contains good reference to previous patents in LP era. Also 4141538 for disc record press | |
4039194 | 1977 | Nakagawa | Matsushita=Technics | "Auto changer. See also patent 3827697-1974 (reissue RE29730-1978) invented by Miyoshi about record player operating ""six cycles by rotating the index wheel until the number ""6"" appears on the viewing window"". " | |
4039195 | 1977 | Iyeta | Nippon Gakki (Yamaha) | "Linear Tracking Arm with optical servo-drive. His another patent 4007939, 4083565, 4139200 etc." | |
4046386 | 1977 | Gosling | Strathearn Audio Limited | Linear Tracking Arm with electric coils for sensors. | |
4047721 | 1977 | Hermann | Dual | "Drive Device with Belt and Stepped Pulley. ""Vario Pulley"" for auto player. " | |
4053721 | 1977 | Nishikawa | Pioneer | Piezoelectric type pickup cartridge for stereo with pressing and intermediate members for coupling | |
4054291 | 1977 | Maeda | Sony | Turntable mat with rubber sucker discs. | |
4065188 | 1977 | Ridler | Strathearn Audio Limited | Linear bearing for parallel tracking arm. Thin film of magnetic fluid lubricant material between the bearing surfaces | |
4072823 | 1978 | Minamizono | "Mitachi Onkyo Seisakusho (brand name ""GLANZ"")" | "Pickup cartridge called as ""Moving Flux""(see also 4011417). Unique construction having merit of MM/IM/MC. Also see Design patent D266504(1982) assigned to The Astatic Corporation (cartridge model MF200). Also 4123067 about unique stylus pivot suspension (embodied in model G-7 cartridge)" | |
4075418 | 1978 | Nemoto | Audio Technica | Assembly of armature in continuation from 3761647: current AT clip-on stylus holders for VM stylus assembly | |
4079942 | 1978 | Kunen | Jazlowiecki; Edward A. | Method of and apparatus for controlling turntable speed: proposing constant linear velocity of turntable as later CD player. | |
4079943 | 1978 | Morita | Matsushita=Technics | Pickup arm device dynamically damped (silicon oil+spring incorporated in balance weight) | |
4085940 | 1978 | Hoshimi | Sony | Automatic Player with repeat function (auto-return force is obtained by gear coupled to spindle motor). Also 4098512 & 4106775 by Takizawa assigned to Sony | |
4090039 | 1978 | Mori | Sony | MC Cartridge: coils are wound in such a manner that the electric potentials generated in diametrically opposite coils are added together. Also related patent No. 4410975(1983) about improved damper with grooves for better separation between channels. | |
4093833 | 1978 | Tsukamoto | Satin cartridges | Moving Coil Cartridge with magnetic means to affix stylus holder (Patent in Japan 15/7/1975: 50-86422) Also 4179589 about cantilever suspension | |
4093897 | 1978 | Fujita | Hitachi | "Electric motor (Star-shaped flat driving coils to obtain constant torque=called as ""Unitorque motor"") Also 4109170 & 4260920 etc" | |
4101133 | 1978 | Aoki | Denon | Tone Arm with Dynamic Damping Mechanism (Design Patent D253410 by Sasaki 1979 for DA-307). | |
4102536 | 1978 | Clunis | Minessota Mining & Manufacturing Company | Phonograph Pickup Device (Magnetic Control of tone arm with coil and magnet) | |
4103116 | 1978 | Mishima | Nippon Gakki (Yamaha) | Pickup Cartridge with Moving Magnet Armature | |
4103117 | 1978 | Morinaga | Trio | Combination of MM/IM with two magnets | |
4105212 | 1978 | Ogura | Ogura Jewel Industry | "Stylus (called as ""VITAL"") BTW: in 1971Ogura developed 4-channel stylus PM type different from Shibata(JVC). " | |
4105213 | 1978 | Owaki | Victor Company of Japan (JVC) | Device for cutting a sound groove on a disc recording medium (a cutting stylus with non static electricity structure to avoid sticking the chip cuts to groove) Also 4212471(1980) | |
4109114 | 1978 | Baer | Marvin Glass & Associates | "Programmable phonograph device detecting the bands (maybe first example using LED and photodetectors along cartridge), Also 4119844 for sensor builtin cartridge" | |
4113265 | 1978 | Iyeta | Nippon Gakki (Yamaha) | Tone Arm with Dynamic Lateral Balancer and Damper | |
4113266 | 1978 | Alexandrovich | "Pickering & Company, Inc." | Playback stylus for phonograph record stamper. Related patent 4153257 is for a turntable to enable playback of record matrices and stampers. The turntable rotates in the direction opposite that of a conventional turntable and is provided with a tone arm carrying a stylus designed to ride the ridges of the stamper. Also 4113267 invented by Wittenberg and assigned to Pickering | |
4117412 | 1978 | "Holman | Advent Corporation | Phonograph preamplifier network with infrasonic cutoff response Also 4032885 | |
4120742 | 1978 | Asano | JVC | Capacitance type pickup stylus and method of producing same | |
4121837 | 1978 | Tominari | Onlife Research (Dynavector) | "A device for damping vibrations of a tone arm. Eddy current damper and dynamic mechanical damper are applied on the main arm of DV-505 while additional eddy current damper for sub arm as indicated in Fig. 9 & 10 is omitted from actual models. Dr. Tominari (deceased in 2002) was professor in Tokyo Metropolitan University [servo technology], established Dynavector in 1977, also developing fuel injection for MIKUNI (carburetor maker) in Japan." | |
4124216 | 1978 | Sorensen | B&O | Linear Tracking Player | |
4124782 | 1978 | Schon | AKG | Sound pickup having plastic enveloped pole plate to pole rod junction. Also 4054758 for cartridge damper [AKG-TS-system: TS stands for Transversal Suspension] | |
4124783 | 1978 | Nemoto | Audio Technica | Two moving coils. Actual embodiment is modified from this patent: first embodiment AT34 with 180degrees reverse location of coils while later models have V shape bobbins connected to the end of cantilever similar to their VM type. | |
4128909 | 1978 | Kawabe | Nagaoka | Roller for cleaning phonograph records (Adhesive rubber roller washable after use) | |
4132935 | 1979 | Gaus | Braun Aktiengesellschaft | Phonograph turntable control system (for auto player incorporating electronic anti-skating etc). Also 4158459 for the arm weight device to provide a low profile pick-up arm. Also 4266783:Control mechanisms for pick-up arms of record players | |
4135086 | 1979 | Baba | Nippon Gakki (Yamaha) | Automatic record player of linear tracking pickup arm type (using optical sensor devices) | |
4138121 | 1979 | Nakajima | Sony | Electro-magnetic controlled arm. Embodied arm as ""BIOTRACER"" looks related to later patents 4184688, 4214756, 4214757, 4240641, 4241926 etc. | |
4138122 | 1979 | Nakatsuka | Ortofon | MC cartridges with improved damper construction. Also 4220341(Pickup) & 4145582(MC cartridge with square magnetic armature) Nakatsuka visited Ortofon around 1976 and assisted in development of MC20 etc. | |
4140321 | 1979 | Albert | "Pickering & Company, Inc." | "Phonograph cartridge replaceable stylus assembly. ""The tube is crimped along a circular crimp line engaging the damper intermediate the forward and rear edges with the portions of the damper that do not engage the crimp also being free of the tube""." | |
4143248 | 1979 | Broeksema | US Philips | High-Fidelity Tone Arm | |
4151998 | 1979 | Kurtin | Discwasher Inc | Phonograph tone arm and cartridge damping system | |
4157460 | 1979 | Bottali | CBS | Apparatus for cutting audio disks: references to patents by SCULLY with WESTREX/TELDEC with NEUMANN etc. | |
4161631 | 1979 | Matsuda | Denon | Compact MC Cartridge without magnet pole in front of coils which are driven by coaxial ring magnet. Any yoke for producing parallel magnetic field as in the prior art is not required and the pickup can be constructed quite compactly in the cantilever support member. | |
4167026 | 1979 | Sambe | Aiwa | Apparatus for recording on tape from a phonograph record (Phonograph-Tape synchro Mechanism) similar to patent by Sony 3906169(1975). Synchro function was popular in '80s. | |
4170361 | 1979 | Zwicky | Willi Studer (REVOX) | Bearing arrangement: Magnetic control of arm by magnets (and/or coi? as shown in next patent 4170362) | |
4177360 | 1979 | Fujimoto | Sansui | MM cartridges | |
4183537 | 1980 | Nakatsuka | Namiki | Lateral pressure detector for use with a phonograph record player. | |
4185835 | 1980 | Aikman | SME Series III | Tone Arms | |
4194744 | 1980 | Groh | Shure | Phonograph pick-up transducer using a one-piece bearing and inertial damper fabricated from different materials | |
4199375 | 1980 | Muller | DISCOFILM? | "Process for removing dust and grease from phonograph records. Similar US Patent No.4378597/4455636 were invented by Lion Corporation and embodied in Nagaoka/Jeweltone ""RECOPACK""." | |
4205856 | 1980 | Hayashi | Stax Industries | "Pickup cartridge with sealing damper (called as ""tip damper"") to prevent entry of foreign matters such as moisture or dust into the cartridge casing. Electret condenser-type cartridge CP-Y is shown in Fig.1 though document refers to CP-X Condenser Pickup Cartridge. " | |
4209669 | 1980 | Hayashi | Denon | "MM Cartridge with axial located (preferably hollow) coils without any yoke to prevent the generation of magnetic distortion by a yoke. | |
4209670 | 1980 | Ono | Victor Company of Japan (JVC) | MC cartridges with printed coils. Also 4251695(1981) and 4374433(1983) | |
4211422 | 1980 | Rangabe | Zerostat Components Ltd | Damping apparatus for damping the resonance of disc record tone arms. Also 4131284 | |
4212471 | 1980 | Nishiwaki | Victor Company of Japan (JVC) | Device for cutting a sound groove on a disc recording medium (anti-static diamond cutting stylus prevents cut chip from adhering to stylus and groove) Also 4105213(1978) by Owaki etc of JVC. | |
4218591 | 1980 | Iwasawa | NA | Phonograph cartridge with very hard metal ceramic frame. Also 4344167 about shell and damping therefor | |
4220926 | 1980 | Buckner | Plessey Handel und Investments AG. Swiss | Noise detector employing plural delay circuits. Garrard Music Recovery Module for supressing scratch noise upon playing records. | |
4221937 | 1980 | Ikeda | FR | MI Cartridge | |
4230323 | 1980 | Tsuji | Sharp=OPTONICA | Automatic (programmable) record player. This idea (nonrecorded section detection sensor =LED+optical sensor mounted on arm head) might be developed from earlier US Patent 4226425: Nonrecorded section detection in an automatic record. US Design Patent D265196-1982 shows RP-7100 with small modification. | |
4232869 | 1980 | Wakabayashi | Matsushita=Technics | Damper made of an elastomer comprising a blend polymer of a silicone rubber polymer and polyisobutylene. TTDD=Technics Temperature Defense Damper | |
4233476 | 1980 | Ikeda | FR-7 | MC Cartridge (bobbin-less coils & 4 pole magnets) | |
4237349 | 1980 | Gudmandsen | Ortofon | "Compact moving-coil pickup of low weight and high quality [square moving coil and ring magnet]. Also 4310917 about damping device consisting of a disc shaped inertia body clamped between two rubber pads - named by Ortofon as ""Wide Range Damping"" system." | |
4238646 | 1980 | Aizawa | Nippon Gakki (Yamaha) | "MC Cartridge (V/H matrix, H-V matrix). " | |
4249747 | 1981 | Bauer | Phonograph pick-up cartridge | ||
4251080 | 1981 | Sumachev | Korvet | "Tone arm: A viscous dynamic damping subassembly is designed to eliminate the main resonance frequency of the tone arm and includes a hollow casing rigidly affixed to the lever. ""Korvet""arm by A. Likhnitsky is related to this patent." | |
4256312 | 1981 | Ikeda | R & D Office Makoto Ltd | Turn table device for record players (Air Floating Platter for belt drive system) | |
4257615 | 1981 | Morch | Moerch UP-4 | "Tone Arm. ""The suspension of the tone arm is of the dual-bearing type where the vertical movement of the arm takes place around two bearings, characterized in that the mid-point between said bearings is placed eccentrically with respect to the center of gravity of the said separate element/s and which bearings are attached on one side to the said element/s, and between said two bearings a vertical pin, which is also attached to said elements, is positioned and in combination being surrounded by damping fluid in a well that is positioned in the non moveable part of the tone arm in the said cavity, surrounded by the element/s, and on their other side the above two bearings are attached to bearings or just one bearing comprising the horizontal movement of the tone arm""." | |
4261580 | 1981 | Tsukagoshi | Pioneer | "Arm pipe for record player tonearms (a composite material consisting of a thermoplastic resin and graphite powder). Also 4269416: Head shell for record player tonearms (a composite material consisting of a thermoplastic resin and graphite powder) | |
4263483 | 1981 | Obata | Matsushita=Technics | MC Cartridge with core-less twin-ring coils | |
4264078 | 1981 | Hattori | Koshin Denki | Pickup Arm with Magnetic Application on Anti-skating & VTF | |
4270758 | 1981 | Kehl | Shure | "Lever operated stylus guard. This paper contains reference to previous patents, but first two references are Design patents assigned to Shure in 1975 (not 1875)!" | |
4275888 | 1981 | Anderson | Shure | Stabilizing and static removing attachment for phonograph pickup cartridge. Also Design Patent D252628 by Wellwood and Deschamps | |
4276635 | 1981 | Obata | Matsushita=Technics | T4P mounting device. Adaptor shell for connecting T4P cartridge to arm with SME type connector is shown. Also see 4571717(1986) assigned to Audio-Technica about T4P mounting adaptor for shell. | |
4277070 | 1981 | Dinsdale | Cranfield Institute of Technology | Damping of arm/cartridge. Front End Damping Trough | |
4279691 | 1981 | Aoki | Matsushita=Technics | Method of making boron cantilever (also 4212838, 4382454 and 4433408). Pioneer got similar patent 4254184 in 1981 about coating of cantilever. " | |
4281225 | 1981 | Ito | Nippon Gakki (Yamaha) | MC cartridges (push-pull mode). Printed (photo-etching) aluminum-film coil on silicon plate. | |
4295277 | 1981 | Dennessen | Dennessen Electronics | Stylus positioner tool with pointer for arm pivot | |
4305147 | 1981 | Onishi | Pioneer | Tone arm damping device. Damping of both horizontal and vertical vibration forces utilizing a single damping mechanism around arm pivot assembly. | |
4312061 | 1982 | Hayashi | Denon | Arm driving device (horizontal/vertical coils): DP-100M(1981) and DP-57L(1982)=DP-62L? DP-59L(1984) etc. | |
4317191 | 1982 | Tatara | Sony | MC cartridge with replaceable stylus assembly | |
4323997 | 1982 | Kuribayashi | Pioneer | "Linear-Tracking Pickup Arm Drive Assembly. A linear motor dictect-drive arm on two guide bars. Its unique jog dial ""REMOTE OPERATION/CONTROL KNOB"" was based on previous patents such as 4118039/4147365. Linear motor drive was shown also by Sony patent 4322840 (no embodiment?)" | |
4325016 | 1982 | Takeuchi | Nippon Gakki (Yamaha) | Device for controlling pickup arm movement in linear tracking pickup arm apparatus. Design Patent D268028(1983) for PX-2(1979) is also adopted on PX-3(1981) with small modifications | |
4325132 | 1982 | Kuehn | Audio Dynamics Corp (ADC) | Unitary phonograph cartridge and head assembly. Another patent No. 4165078 for Flip-up stylus protector with magnifying lens on it. Also 4340957 | |
4326283 | 1982 | Rensky | Quality Audio Components | Cartridge alignment system: this variation of Dennessen utilizes a sight line or sight ridge which is aimed at the pivot point for the tone arm instead of pointer. | |
4326285 | 1982 | Dieter | Micro-Acoustics Ltd | Stereo phonograph cartridge. The elements were made of the piezoelectric material though quoted as electrets in commercial documents - maybe it is reasonable since its electrical equivalent circuit is similar to capacitance load. Also 4320492:Variable weight phonograph cartridge | |
4328573 | 1982 | Kurtin | NAD International in Germany | "Precision phonocartridge interface (measuring and tuning adaptor between arm cable and phonoamp) In 1972, at a meeting in Europe, eight people representing companies in the USA, UK, France, Switzerland and Germany formed a HiFi company soon to be known as NAD (New Acoustic Dimension). " | |
4332050 | 1982 | Okuda | Hitachi | Self-propelled record cleaner (also 4360906)Inventors working in Kyushu HITACHI Maxell so that two models were supplied from Lo-D(HITACHI) and Maxell(Battery brand of HITACHI) | |
4337533 | 1982 | Ando | Aiwa | Front loading type record player | |
4345322 | 1982 | Aizawa | Nippon Gakki (Yamaha) | "MM Cartridge (V/H matrix, H-V matrix) Also 4597071 by Ito etc assigned to Yamaha" | |
4346467 | 1982 | Souther | Souther | Linear tracking tone arm (arm moves on carrige by mechanical gravity balance shift on the uneven parallel bars) | |
4351045 | 1982 | Townshend | EEI Alignment Gauge | "Lateral Tracking Measuring/Alignment Tool for Arm (claim priority, application GB July 1979)" | |
4352176 | 1982 | Itoh | Matsushita=Technics | "Electromagnetic pickup cartridge (low cost magnet without center hole can be applied, instead special magnet holder is used)" | |
4352178 | 1982 | Kitamura | Kitamura | Cartridge Equalizr. Dynamic Lateral Balancer to be equipped additionally on the shell neck - funniest patent I ever see. It is based on the theory presented by Iyeta: US Patent 4113265: Tone pickup arm device keeping excellent dynamic lateral balance and damping effect. | |
4359768 | 1982 | Abbagnaro | CBS | "Vertical tracking angle meter: Measuring instrument which extracts and directly displays the vertical tracking angle of a phonograph pickup during playback of a known test record signal, and which also has the capability of measuring and directly displaying tracing distortion" | |
4363705 | 1982 | Hand | "Capitol Records, Inc." | "Passivating and silver removal method [in the processes of making Mother]. The term to ""passivate"" means to treat a metal surface so that a metallic coating can be applied to the treated surface and subsequently be removed therefrom. It is believed that the passivating aqueous solution of the present invention passivates a nickel surface by forming a conductive oxide layer on the surface. " | |
4364120 | 1982 | Honma | Audio-Technica | MC cartridges with replaceable stylus assembly | |
4365325 | 1982 | Van Den Hul | Van Den Hul | Stylus for Quadraphonic Reproducers (Also 4416005-1983) | |
4367544 | 1983 | Fidi | AKG | Electromagnetic transducers for converting mechanically acoustic events into alternating voltages. [MI/IM cartridge using ring magnet similar to Ortofon VMS] Also 4512009 new damper developed further from 4054758 though actual embodiment looks much simplified without second elastic element. | |
4367546 | 1983 | Shibata | Victor Company of Japan (JVC) | Vacuum Turntable System for a Record Player (also 4234195 & 4493072): Optional Suction Pump Unit=""Turbo-Disk-Stabiliser""This idea itself is not new (see 4065135-1977 by Doughty, 3608909-1971 by Rabinow)" | |
4368527 | 1983 | Goldstein | NA | Phonograph cartridge alignment. New alignment template. | |
4368528 | 1983 | Sakano | Sony | MM Cartridge with delta-shaped jointless laminated core | |
4370371 | 1983 | Nakahira | Hohyu Rubber | Rubber disc for a record player turntable | |
4376304 | 1983 | Uchida | Azden | MC cartridges with replaceable stylus assembly. Also 4272652 | |
4383410 | 1983 | Itoh | Matsushita=Technics | "Pickup Cartridge of Movable Magnet Type. Also 4140886, 4353125 etc" | |
4385375 | 1983 | Okura | Pioneer | MC cartridges with replaceable stylus assembly | |
4395920 | 1983 | Kurtin | Audio Dynamics Corp (ADC) | Digital stylus force gauge | |
4397012 | 1983 | Burundukov | NA | Electrodynamic pickup cartridge having simplified coil structure Also 4237347 (Two Moving Magnets) | |
4397013 | 1983 | Shiomi etc | Kyocera/Nagaoka | Cantilever and phonograph pickup cartridge. Cantilever pipe of a ceramic material composed mainly of aluminum oxide | |
4403880 | 1983 | Sandors | California Sounds Ltd | Record cleaner/conditioner using pad with container for volatile liquid: this is interesting because of criticism on prior arts | |
4409526 | 1983 | Yamauchi | Sony | Brushless DC Motor: common flat motor with two phase stator windings (4 coils) and 2 hall elements and 8 poles rotor magnet Also 4135120(1979)&4220879(1980) invented by Hosimi and assigned to Sony | |
4416003 | 1983 | Suzuki | Sharp=OPTONICA | "Both Sides Play Vertical Linear Tracking Player (two tonearms with two MM cartidges, one on each side of the record to allow the continuous playback of both sides)." | |
4416006 | 1983 | Kitamura | "(no assignment, but the inventors are mainly engineers of JVC)" | Record disc playing apparatus having the function for correcting rotational irregularities due to record disc eccentricity. Angular velocity is controlled electrically in accordance with the eccentric ratio. | |
4423499 | 1983 | Peschel | AKG | Pickup adjusting equipment. The tool was supplied together with cartridge model P25MD series. | |
4434483 | 1983 | Vinogradov | NA | "Tone arm. Modified one-point bearing comprising of uni-pivot and ball bearing. A vertical pivot attached to one of the bases and cooperating with a spherical thrust bearing in the other base, and a ball making contact with one of the bases and cooperating with a guiding element in the other base." | |
4434484 | 1984 | Iwata | Audio-Technica | Stabilizer for record discs: detachably placed on the turntable of a record player to hold a record disc placed thereon by attraction (by vacuum pump). | |
4437179 | 1984 | Nishikawa | Pioneer | MC cartridge: 4magnets and 6 poles (accurate alignment of stylus unit on cartridge body). Also 4327433 & 4519063 | |
4441177 | 1984 | Groh | Shure | "Stylus protection mechanism: called as ""Side guard stylus protection system""" | |
4441178 | 1984 | Kobayashi | Nakamichi | Method of correcting a position of a disk record on a turntable (Disk Centre Searching Mechanism) | |
4453243 | 1984 | Tanaka | Sony | Linear tracking arm drive apparatus | |
4455641 | 1984 | Sliski | "Dennesen Electrostatics, Inc. " | Linear Tracking System with pneumatic guideway | |
4468627 | 1984 | Fushiki | Nippon Gakki (Yamaha) | RIAA Equalizer circuit. An equalizer circuit is provided which has a high D.C. stability without degrading the equalization characteristic. | |
4470020 | 1984 | Mohr | NA | Virtual ground preamplifier for magnetic phono cartridge (current amplifying method applied on magnetic cartridges) | |
4473897 | 1984 | Seeler | Shure | Tubular beryllium phonograph needleshank and method of formation | |
4475185 | 1984 | Fujio | Sansui Electric | Record player with vibration cancellation mechanism. Previous Patent 4425638 for Dual Turntable for cancellation.! | |
4479281 | 1984 | Mikutowski | NA | Method and apparatus for cleaning phonograph records?Vacuum Cleaning) | |
4484320 | 1984 | Redlich | TELDEC | "Apparatus and Method for cutting information into a metallic record carrier. Also 4538256, 4248438 & 4531207, 4748612(diamond stylus)" | |
4488284 | 1984 | Aoki | Denon | MC cartridge (Twin dampers and yoke-less magnet circuit). Further development from earlier patent 4455639 by Aoki and 4161631by Matsuda etc. | |
4490816 | 1984 | Kehl | Shure | Tonearm alignment gauge | |
"D279,775" | 1985 | Nemoto | Audio Technica | "Minimum-sized Portable (Battery Operated) Player. Design Patent D279755. There were similar products from Sony: battery operated ""Flamingo""PS-F9 with Dynamic Balanced Linear Tracking Arm & FM transmitter, mini-compo ""Heli Player""PS-Q7&9 with FM transmitter around 1982." | |
4494227 | 1985 | Vroonhoven | US Philips | Stereo phono pick-up and/or cutter | |
4509159 | 1985 | Alexandrovich | "Pickering & Company, Inc." | Aluminum-aluminum oxide stylus arm (=cantilever). The patent document is interesting only for other references in the past. | |
4512008 | 1985 | Yokoyama | Nippon Gakki (Yamaha) | "Small signal amplifying circuit for a pickup cartridge: first transistor incorporated within shell as ""Satellite"" for head amplifier. " | |
4521877 | 1985 | Shimamoto | Namiki Precision Jewel | Stylus (Micro-ridge etc) | |
4528653 | 1985 | Asano | Sony | Record player with automatic music search function | |
4536865 | 1985 | Kenmotu | Pioneer | Bookshelf type player (turntable sliding in and out from case) see also | |
4538255 | 1985 | Kern | Georg Neumann GmbH | Method of and system for cutting a phonograph record with two-channel modulation. A system for controlling the mean depth and spacing of V-grooves | |
4547819 | 1985 | Meitner | "Amber Electro Design, Inc. (Montreal, CA) " | Magnetic pickup preamplifier | |
4547874 | 1985 | Mori | Sony | Moving coil type cartridge mounted on cantilever within central opening of ring magnet | |
4558443 | 1985 | Nakamura | Tekudaiya Kabushiki Kaisha in Japan | Moving coil type pickup cartridge | |
4570253 | 1986 | Firebaugh | Well-Tempered | Tone Arm having a bifilar flexible ligament suspension for vertical and lateral displacement | |
4580257 | 1986 | Kikuchi | Pioneer | Dual drive system for phono pickup arm (programmed music selection). The prior art reference No. 4230324 is incorrect. Correct number should be 4230323-1980 (SHARP). Optical music selection idea was invented in 60s: for example 3368080-1968(CITIZEN). Seemingly this application originated from printing machine. | |
4580258 | 1986 | Dinsdale | "Cranfield Institute of Technology/Elite Townshed, Ltd." | Auto-offsetting apparatus on arm (programmed slot) | |
4628500 | 1986 | Thigpen | Eminent Technology | Air bearing straight line tracking phonograph tonearm | |
4644517 | 1987 | Tominari | Dynavector | Audio signal amplifier for an electromagnetic phono cartridge (PU>Step-down Transformer>Current-voltage conversion stage) | |
4675859 | 1987 | Fletcher | Sumiko | MC with intensified field focus: 1) a rear magnet and a front magnet mounted in an axially juxtaposed manner within a support sleeve so as to define therewith a magnetic field chamber 2) higher output is achieved without increasing the number of windings and thereby adversely affecting the moving mass of the stylus assembly. IMO: Sumiko high output MC cartridges such as Blue Point etc adopt conventional design (one magnet and two yokes) while original patented design was yoke-less=direct. | |
4681527 | 1987 | Amory | Pathe-Marconi EMI SA in France | "Apparatus for the injection moulding of disc records. Two matrices, each bearing modulation to form a microgroove disc record, are fixed to half-moulds by means of sleeves, having first and second fixing flanges which extend into the gap between the matrices." | |
4686664 | 1987 | Graham | Model 1.5 etc | Tone Arm Assembly (unique alignment method). His previous patent 4587646(1986?about same uni-pivot arm | |
4729146 | 1988 | Barr | NA | Kit for cleaning phonograph records (attachment on homeuse vacuum cleaner) | |
4792938 | 1988 | Firebaugh | Well-Tempered | Low-noise bearing for phonograph turntables and the like | |
4802081 | 1989 | Otzipka | US Philips | Elongated phonograph pick-up head with snap-together construction. Also 4534022. ELM (Extra Light Mass 3g) series cartridges appeared around 1984 | |
4855989 | 1989 | Gyger | NA | Gyger Stylus Geometry | |
4870631 | 1989 | Stoddard | "Finial Technology, Inc." | "Laser Turntable. Also 4972344(1990) for Dual Beam Optical Turntable. There were many attempts before Stoddard - see US Patent 3,325,603(1963) by Rabinow etc: ""Stereo Record Player Using Optical Means Separate from The Tone Arm"" and US Patent 3,992,593(1976) by Heine: ""Disc phonograph record playback by laser generated diffraction pattern"" etc." | |
4884262 | 1989 | Winfeld | Ortofon | Magnetic system for a stereo pick-up with a movable coil | |
5003522 | 1991 | Dolby | Dolby | Disc reproducing system for compensating mechanical imperfections: his previous patent 4918678 contains many related references (full history of vain attempts to reduce distortions caused by warp etc). Also 4755979(1988) | |
5781525 | 1998 | Neulinger | NA | Record optimizer system and method of utilization | |
6185179 | 2001 | Mohrin | NA | Revival of Edison-type cylinder!!! [Cylinder instead of stylus vibrates as resonator/microphone] | |
6469974 | 2002 | Kaneko | Vestax | Tone arm (straight arm without offset angle for DJ play). | |
6661767 | 2003 | Warden | "Numark Industries, LLC" | Tone arm assembly with interchangeable tone arm tube. Design Patent No. D433011(2000). See also straight non-offset arm D494158(2004) for disc jockey turntable D491915(2004) | |
6818815 | 2004 | Cohen | Stanton Magnetics | Phonograph turntable with MIDI output | |
6829207 | 2004 | Singer | "Convolve, Inc." | Method for reconstruction of phonograph records from physical measurement. Also 7330414(2008) | |
7042811 | 2006 | Phelps | Syracuse University | "Frictionless, non-destructive playback system for cylinder recordings [Laser pickup for cylinder or a 33, 45 or 78 RPM record]" | |
7086071 | 2006 | Schroeder | Model DPS/2/Reference etc | Spring-suspension magnetically stabilized pick-up arm. Model 1& TA-1 have modification around suspension of arm (two strings & flat magnets) | |
7106685 | 2006 | Calaio | NA | Turntable with vertically adjustable platter. VTA between the stylus of the cartridge and the record can be easily adjusted without tweaking or touching the tone arm | |
7345975 | 2008 | Haber | The Regents of the University of California | "Metrological digital audio reconstruction. Audio information stored in the undulations of grooves in a medium such as a phonograph record may be reconstructed, with little or no contact, by measuring the groove shape using precision metrology methods coupled with digital image processing and numerical analysis." | |
7382713 | 2008 | Graham | Phantom series | "Method and apparatus for tone arm magnetic stabilization and damping system: satisfies the need for achieving neutral balance and stabilization for unipivot tone arm assemblies including antiskating mechanism using pulley belt tension. |
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