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¿ Panamera de Porsche es el modo mas sencillo de adquirir un Burmester ?
Grundig's heirs
Burmester still relies on real craftsmanship
Ulf Brychcy (Berlin)
The mass of consumer electronics products for a long time coming from Asia. But a number of German company claims according to quality Made in Germany is still on the market. Until the start of the Ifa FTD.de presents a few of them. Today: Burmester audio systems.
Welcome to the world of true luxury. A CD player for 28,900 euros? A Stereovorverstärker for 27,900 euros? Two boxes for 49,900 euros? Dieter Burmester developing these devices, it can produce it and find it actually buyers. "Anyone who calls a beat, the Absolute, who comes to us," he says. And added: "We've done it, we build this image around the world."
Image. Or just status. For the lovers, which afford a sound system by Burmester, it will probably be a mixture of both - probably next to the urgent desire to listen to music to perfect at home.
In any case, it is less simple when Burmester devices to a purchase as an investment - for a very manageable group of customers. About the Burmester says only this much: They are almost exclusively men, it is no longer the youngest. And especially audiophile they must be. "We live mainly from customers who said to order a music system for 60,000 up to Euro 80,000, determined by the company's founder. But there are also buyers who spend 150,000 euros or more for their Burmester audio system.

Foto: http://christoferberggren.com/Arkenm%E4ssan/Burmester-setupen.jpg
The head of Samsung example has two high-power amplifiers from Burmester, massive cube with Alurippen. The group from South Korea also mixes in consumer electronics, with only just a few steps underneath. In Germany, for comparison, current price of a hi-fi systems have an average of 570 euros, which determines market researcher GfK.Therein lies the basic principle of Burmester: no mass, expensive class. Leave in only small numbers, equipment and speakers, the factory in Berlin, which is housed in a purpose-built near the railway station Südkreuz.
Here, each device is manufactured by hand. Every single room with lots of specialized electronic components that come to almost 100 percent from Germany. "Because of the reliability and quality," said Burmester. Every single Edelgerät undergoing a week-long trial run, is comprehensively measured before and after. The final inspection is then carried out in the establishment's recording studio
Burmester still relies on real craftsmanshipUlf Brychcy (Berlin)Part 2: "Music is still undoubtedly art"For 32 years, the engineer, who is also a qualified radio / TV is, an uncompromising way. But music is undoubtedly art, he says. So it should ideally also be listening. Thus, the 63-year-old with his company created a golden niche. Play here, unlike the mass producers in Asia, the cost of production - and thus the amount of the sale - practically no role.
Around 8 million euro has put his company in the past year, nearly two-thirds in foreign countries, more and more in China, but also in Europe. The economic situation of Burmester audio systems, which includes a subsidiary of electronic components and a total of 50 staff, describing the founder and owner can be at least as solid as the audio equipment that he finished. "Exorbitant profits, we do not drive a", although he says. But for that he had bank debts alien.
What the company has helped in the first half. The crisis also suggests on luxury products by, Burmester first time, suffered a sales drop of 20 percent. Since July, but going up again, he says. Since then, the orders always are higher than the previous year's months as before. Before the crisis, Burmester has grown steadily every year around 10 to 15 percent.
Burmester hopes that revenue growth from a new business. His company assembled, if customers want it and pay a surcharge of around 4000 euros, the new Porsche Panamera with an audio system including 16 speakers. Burmester was able to prevail against much larger stainless Hi-Fi manufacturers from around the U.S., which had also sought to Porsche.
The sports car maker expects that shipped annually from 2010 to at least 2000 Panamera with a facility to be Burmester. "There are customers who buy the Panamera, because they pretty much get a real cheap Burmester," says a Porsche spokesman. Burmester itself aims to achieve Edelanlagen for cars and yachts sometimes considerably more than ten percent of total sales to. These devices, however, he can produce in the order.
In Berlin, it's developers are working meticulously and he further products, the digital age requires. A server will bring Burmester now on the market and as a Radio Streamer - as always on special Burmester prices.
Guitar Hero Dieter Burmester Not the technology, but the sound is perfect for
Dieter Burmester in the first place. Just over 32 years, he has worked as a
professional musician (bass and vocals) in Berlin, his first amplifier built in
- then it became a business. Rock music, he now only plays at home in his